Fight for eachother

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She pulled out of my arms again and she looks so fucking done with everything. I can't lose her.

She shook her head

"N-no no. I just-" she sighed "I just can't do this anymore I can't I fucking can't"

"No, no, come here and don't go" I said and pulled her in my lap

"Kayden I was in the fucking psych ward." She said and looked me in the eyes, searching for my reaction

"So what? I don't fucking care Stasia" her face softs and I hold her face in my hands "I don't fucking care. with that, your just showing how fucking strong you are. "

"No No" she shook her head but I was still holding her face "You don't understand. I'm fucking mental. I'm fucked up Kayden. I'm nothing"

"No Angel. Your everything to me. Do you hear me? Your fucking everything to me."

"You don't mean that" she shook her head, her voice fall down a little, tear escaping her eyes

"I mean every fucking word I say to you. I will repeat it. Your. Fucking. Everything. To. Me." I said and did the thing I wanted to do for so much long

I kissed her.

And she didn't hesitate to kiss me back in a second.

Our lips moved in a rythim like we kissed before. Which we didn't.

She moved closer in my lap and tightened her arms around my neck, grabbing my hair as I groaned

She doesn't know what she's doing to me.

I pulled her even closer and she moaned and I let my tongue inside.

God, to hear that sound coming from her. I could listen to it on repeat.

She started moving herself in my lap, as she's moaning on the feeling
I groaned in her mouth

A/N: okay this is so cringe what the actual fuck. I'm so sorry.

I put one hand on her waist close to her perfect ass and other hand around her throat and she moaned

"God Angel. Do you feel what your doing to me?" I asked when I pulled out of the kiss and I moved her on my hard.. friend;) as she was doing before

She looked as she rolled her eyes but in a pleasuring way, she had her lip in her teeth to not let the sound coming from her

If we keep doing might be hard for me to not fuck her right here right now.

"Did you felt that hm?" I said as I stoped and she looked at me nodding

"If we keep doing this I will not hesitate to do other things" I said and she laughed

"Shut up" she said and kissed me deeply

Anastasia's pov:

Ah fuck. That was good. Oh my God.

I think I'm wet.. Okay fuck. This is emberresing.

"Shut up" I said and kissed him deeply. Our tongues played games as I melt in him, I tried to lay at him but the things on my body didn't let me to.

Oh fuck I forgot we are in hospital.

We pulled away eachother and he kissed me at my forehead

"Do you see that your everything to me? I will fucking fight for you Angel. You deserve everything" he said and I kissed him

I think this is my most favourite drug, addiction and think to do. From now on.

"Now let me tell you something. Since you did, I think I should too." He said and I looked at him confused

"Oh no no, you don't have to Kai. I won't rush you or push you to it." I said and he shook his head


"I was with him Angel. I was fucking besides him. He didn't deserve it. He fucking didn't deserve it" Kayden said as he cried and I hugged him

He sobbed in my arms.

He told me about his brother. Lucas. He's blaming himself for it. Its hard. It's definitely so hard to lose a person you love so much.

"He was so young Anastasia." He said, he was only 15. Only. Fifteen.

He was so young. And it wasn't even been so much until he died. It's only been a year since he died.

"It wasn't your fault love. It wasn't your fault. Lucas wouldn't want you to blame yourself for it. It hurt him too love, seeing you cry over what wasn't your fault. I understand that you miss him, definitely, but you can't blame yourself for that okay?" I said and kissed him at the cheek and head beacuse it's the closest and I don't want him let go

"He's here. His soul is still here, it's with us, he's alive. His soul is still alive " I said and he sobbed and then let go

He looked besides him "Hey lil bud. I'm so fucking sorry of what happened. I shouldn't have let you drive but it's okay. It's none of our faults. I miss you L L. " He said and few tears escaped my eyes, I hugged him and put my head on his chest

He's losing himself too. Just like I'm losing myself.

He looked at me and sighed "Angel. I might see him soon. I have cancer." He said and the world stoped.

"W-what? Are you for real now?" I said and he nodded, I hugged him and cried in his neck "I can't let you go Kayden. I can't. I can't lose you." I said and sobbed

"You won't lose me. God, Angel." He said and tear escape his eye

He can't die. He can't fucking die.
We will Fight For Eachother.

We will be Fighting For Eachother.

That's what we need.

He bring my face into his hands and he kissed me, after we pulled away he put our foreheads together

"We will Fight For Eachother." I said and kissed him again "Beacuse that's what we need, we deserve. I will be here for you love. I will fight for you." I said and bringed myself in his chest, hugging him tighter

He hugged me too and kissed me at my head "We will Fight For Eachother." He said and that's all we need.

All we need. The person to be there for us. With us. And we finally have it. I finally have that comfort and that love I've been searching for my entire life.

We will Fight For Eachother.

Ahh there it is!!!!! Their first kiss!! Ahh!!! Also, it was little bit weird writing that one part but it's okay ig. Also , I almost started crying as I wrote this chapter.

I love you all so much and your so much more than you think. And you really are.
Don't ever blame yourself for the things that you didn't Couse.

You might think you did, but you didn't. Don't blame yourself for it.

You all deserve so much. And you all will have someone like how Kayden and Anastasia have Eachother in your lifes.

I hope I will too. I think we deserved it. We definitely did.

Btw I didn't re-edit this so they're might be some mistakes

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