Yeosang ~Sensory Overload~

Start from the beginning

"Can you keep it down, don't be so loud," I said quickly. He moved closer to me, but made sure not to touch me.

"Why don't you want anyone else knowing," he asked me.

"It's nothing Youngie. And I don't want them worrying about nothing," I said.

"Fine, I won't say anything, but I'm still bringing the headphones and eye mask," he said with a huff. I nodded, knowing that I wouldn't be able to stop Wooyoung from doing it anyway.


After we finished getting ready, we all went into the van to be driven to the company. I sat on a single seat near the front of the van, not wanting to interact with the other's much as my head was hurting. It didn't really make much difference though, as the other's were stilling chatting and mucking around so my headache begun to get worse. I winced and rubbed my temple softly, trying not to make any sound as I didn't want to notify anyone that I was in distress. A few seconds later, Wooyoung started cackling once again and I felt a sharp pain in my head. I quickly turned around, poking my head out from behind the seat. I managed to catch Wooyoung's eye and he quickly went quiet, flashing me an apologetic smile. The van became a lot quieter than before without Wooyoung cackling so I managed to close my eyes and get a little bit of rest. When we finally got to building, we went straight to the practice room. I was the first into the practice room and I flicked the light switch on. The lights were a lot brighter than I expected and the intensity overwhelmed me. I stumbled back slightly and arms were quickly wrapped around me to keep me stable. I quickly pulled away and turned around to see Seonghwa watching me in concern.

"Whoops, I tripped," I said, plastering a fake smile on my face. Luckily it wasn't very farfetched and Seonghwa seemed to believe me.

"So clumsy," he said, rolling his eyes fondly. It didn't take long for us to get into practice, working on some of our older dances and that's when things started to go wrong. Less than a dance in, I found myself hyperfixating on the sound of our on the floor. They were weirdly in sync, but very irritating. I was basically dancing on autopilot at this point, more focused on the sound of our feet so I quickly managed to draw my attention back to the dance. Less than a minute later, I begun to get more aware of lights that were starting to feel brighter and brighter. I tried not to let it get to me, but it was hard as the headache was increasing. Without realising, the sound of the shoes on the floor came back and no matter what I did, it wouldn't go away. I tried to stay calm, but the lights and the noise were starting to get to me, and to top it off my shirt began to irritate my skin. It was as we were halfway through another run-through that it all finally got too much. I stopped and moved to the side of the room, covering my eyes with my hands to block out the lights. The music stopped suddenly and then I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. It felt heavy and uncomfortable and it pushed my shirt against my skin. I quickly threw the hand off my arm, turning and stumbling back into the wall to get away from the contact. My eyes instinctively slipped open and I regretted it instantly. The light made pain shoot through my head, the headache increasing I started to sob. My brain felt like it was going into overdrive, the sounds, the lights, my shirt, it was all too much. The boys started asking questions and my breathing quickened as I continued to cry. Not long after, I felt something being strapped behind my head and placed over my eyes, before something was placed over my ears. The noise immediately cut out, and my vision was completely dark. Wooyoung. He must've realised what was happening and jumped into action. I'm just thankful my best friend knows what to do in this situation.

That was two problems down, but there was still one to go. I quickly grabbed the collar of my shirt and tugged on it to notify Wooyoung that I wanted it off. I just hope he remembers the signal despite how long it's been. I almost sobbed with relief when I felt the two gentle taps on the back of my hand. It was Wooyoung's way of notifying me he was going to touch me and I nodded quickly. I felt him unbutton my shirt quickly and swiftly before helping me slip it off. The relief I felt at having the material off was immense and I felt like I could breathe a bit better. I jolted slightly as I felt fingers wrap around my wrist briefly before they were removed quickly so as to not overwhelm me. I found myself smiling fondly at Wooyoung, despite how overwhelmed I am. The fingers around my wrist is a silent question of if a hug would help or make things worse for me. I thought about it for a few seconds. The fabric from clothes is just irritating me, but skin to skin contact may actually help. I nodded quickly to let him know I wanted a hug. Not long after, there was a gentle palm placed on my shoulder and I quickly moved closer into the gentle embrace. I rested my head on the bare chest and wrapped my arms loosely around his waist as the younger wrapped an arm around my shoulder. The skin to skin contact helped soothe me more so I just relaxed into the embrace.

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