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So... As many of you have probably heard, Technoblade has passed on June 30th.... It's fucking sucks cause it's also my birthday....

I would have said something sooner but I just didn't want to believe that this was real... Techno was one of my top comfort streamers/YouTubers. I was sobbing a lot...

I think I want to make a small story on Techno, I just have to think about how I want to do it...

Just remember that even tho he is physically gone, his spirit will continue to live on for many years to come. TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!<3

If anyone wants to talk about anything I'm here. You can dm me here or on my discord. RealityMune#8173. It doesn't even have to be about Techno, it could be about anything... I will listen and try to give my best support/advice.

I hope everyone will be okay...

Love all of you!!! <333

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