Chapter 5: What do I do Ranboo

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Ranboos POV:

My heart sank. She hurt herself. I walked by and over heard Aimsey and Wilbur talking. I stopped and listened. I think Aimsey saw me. Or almost did. I turned and went to our room. I just stared at Y/n sleeping there. She looked so peaceful.

She shifted in her sleep and her sleeve rolled up. I saw some bandages. I didn't want to assume the worse but I think I know what they are for. I started to tear up. I rolled down her sleeve so other people wouldn't see. I heard someone open the door and I quickly ran to my bed and laid down. Soon I fell asleep.

Y/n POV:

I woke up to the sun shinning on my face. I sat up to see the room empty. They probably went downstairs. I got up and threw my hair in a messy bun. I went downstairs to see most people eating breakfast or just finishing up. Wilbur came up to me and handed me a small plate of eggs. It couldn't have been more than half an egg.

"I want you too eat something. It's not a lot." He whispered so other people couldn't hear him.

"Will, I-i can't..." I knew if I tried I would throw it back up.

"How about we go and eat in our room." I was glad that he didn't want to make me uncomfortable. Well... For the most part anyways. I nodded and we went upstairs.

As we were walking away I felt someone looking at me. I turned my head and saw Ranboo looking at me worried. As soon as I looked at him he looked away quickly. When we got to our room we went inside and Wil shut the door.

"Will, I don't want to. It hurts so much." We sat down on the sofa.

"Please try. I will work with you until you can eat again." He sounded sincere. I took my fork and took a small bite. After about 3 bites I put my fork down and concentrated on keeping my food down.

"You doing okay."

"Yea-" I covered my mouth so the food wouldn't come up. I felt so disgusted with myself. I hate that someone had to help me. I don't like help. I kept it down though. I was so proud of myself. I took about 1 1/2 more bites. (By the way, they were all small bites)

"I can't eat anymore. My stomach hurts."

"Alright. You did good. You ate something and didn't throw it up." He took the rest of my eggs and ate them. We heard a knock on the door. He opened it to find Ranboo standing there.

"Hey Ranboo. Need something?"

"Hey I was wondering if I could talk to y/n alone."

"Sure. I'll talk to you later y/n." Wilbur then left and Ranboo came in shutting the door behind him.

I looked at him confused. He looked worried.


"Yes Ranboo?"

"Do... Do you self harm at all?" What?! Did he know? I got a bit queasy. How did he find out?

"N-no." My voice cracked. I knew he knew I was lying. I saw it on he face.

"Y/n, I saw your wrists had bandages last night. I covered them so no one else would know. But I saw." He sat next to me.

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