Chapter 4: Wilbur & Aimsey Know

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Y/n POV:

After a few hours, we got to the Florida airport. Wilbur woke me up and we went to the house where everyone was staying. Everyone said there greetings and gave hugs. I went straight to the bathroom so I could throw up all the food I had ingested earlier on the plane.

God this hurts so much. I wish I didnt have to throw it up. I wish I could keep it down sometimes. If I did the pain wouldn't be here.

I went to the living room where everyone was.

"So each room will have four people in it. All the girls will share a room. Niki, Puffy, Minx, and Y/n." There wasn't that many girls so I understand why Dream put us together.

"Awesome, we can have a girl's night in there one if these nights." Niki was so excited.


"Yes y/n."

"What about Aimsey?" I didn't want her to sleep in a room with all guys. I didn't know if she was comfortable with that.

"Who?" I forgot that I didn't tell Dream the name of my friend that I had invited.

"The friend I had invited."

"Oh okay. She's a girl?"


"Well one of the girls can sleep with the boys or y'all can make someone sleep on the floor." I was thinking that I could sleep in a room with Wilbur, Phil, and Ranboo.

"Maybe I could share a room with Ranboo, Wilbur, and Phil." They were the people I felt the most safe with.

"Sure as long as their okay with it."

"Okay..." I was worried they would say no. That they didn't like me.

"I wanted to stay with y/n anyways." Of course Wilbur would. He wasn't gonna go if I didn't go.

"I don't mind sharing with her. As long as she's not uncomfortable with it." Ranboo was always so sweet. He didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable or cross anyone's boundaries.

"Well if they are then why not. I would sleep on the couch if I had too." Philza knew there was enough room. He just stated that cause he's Dadza.

"Okay cool, and Aimsey will sleep with the girls. George, Sapnap, Fundy, and I will share a room. Quackity, Karl, Tubbo and Tommy will share a room." After Dream said the rest of the people.

"Okay, you can get set up in your rooms. Y/n, do you know what time Aimsey will be here?"

"Yeah. She said she'll be here in about an hour."

"Okay so around dinner time." For some reason, as he said dinner my stomach turned. I felt my face go pale. If I didn't eat in front of people they would suspect me. Especially Wilbur. He already suspects me due to the plane incident.

"Y/n!" Dream yelling snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah. Sorry, just zoned out. What are we having for dinner? Do you know?" I didn't want to eat many calories.

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