Chapter 12: Recovery

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Y/n POV:

It's been about 4 days since I've been here. Many people have visited me but I didn't talk much. I only responded with a "mhm" or a "mh-mh". I don't really feel like talking with people. The only person I really ever talked to while being here is Ranboo. Other than that besides the doctors I didn't talk with anybody. I had three more days to go before I could leave. Man, these are the longest three days ever. I'm sitting in bed scrolling through Twitter when I realized I haven't been active much lately and people are staying to worry. I decided I would post so people would know I'm alive.

Y/n @Y/u/n
Heyy, sorry for being so inactive. I've had some problems come up recently and I'm trying to deal with them the best I can. I should be staying in about a week. I'll keep you updated. :)

I posted my tweet and turned my phone off. I laid in the bed looking at the ceiling thinking.

Should I really take therapy?

Maybe I should. What's the worst that could happen. Plus Ranboo said he could go with me. Well, they could send me to a mental hospital. No no no no, I'll be fine. Ranboo won't let that happen. I sighed and pushed those thoughts away. I started thinking about Ranboo. How does he still put up with me? I put him through so much. Guess he's a keto huh. I giggled at my own thought and rolled on my side facing the window.

I heard someone enter my room and I turned back over to see Ranboo standing near the door.

"Oh, I thought you were sleeping." He chuckled nervously and contrived waking over to the chair next to my bed. He sat down and looked at me.

"How you doin?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"I'm doing fine. I wish they would let me go already. I'm so bored of sitting in this bed." I groaned at the last part.

"I'm sorry love. Only three more days and you can leave."

"I know. I wish those three days would come faster."

"Me too. So have you eaten today?"

"No... They haven't asked me and I'm not that hungry." I formed a small frown at the last part.

"Listen, I won't force you to eat anything but I would feel better knowing you tried." I just looked at him. I thought about it for a second and nodded.

"Fine, I will eat something small." I saw his face light up which made me smile. "Maybe fruit of something?"

"I could go check the Cafe and see if they have any." I nodded. He got up and left the room. I grabbed my phone and texted Niki.

Y/n 🌺🙂
Hey Niki. I'm bored and wanted to see how everyone was doing. It's everyone okay? What about Ray? Is he okay?

Niki 🌺💕
Hey y/n. Yes everyone is okay. We're all glad your doing okay. Ray is fine. He's had a few panic attacks but nothing serious. What about you? Are you doing okay?

Y/n 🌺🙂
Yes, I'm okay. I'm just waiting for Ranboo to come back with my fruit. I'm so bored. There's nothing to do in this hospital.

Niki 🌺💕
I knowwww, hospitals are so boring. When I was in there awhile back it's was the most boring thing ever.

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