Chapter 10: Safe

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Ranboo POV:
I can believe shes gone. Who would have taken her? She doesn't deserve this at all. I walked downstairs to see how the other people were doing and by the looks of it, not very well. Niki and Karl were sobbing there eyes out while the others were either lightly crying or trying to comfort the others. Wilbur was no where to be seen, so I assumed he was outside.

I walked outside to see Wilbur crying softly while leaning over the wooden fence.

"I'm sorry Wilbur... We'll find her eventually.." He looked at me, eyes red and puffy.

"When is eventually Ranboo..." I wish I could give an answer but I knew I couldn't so I just stayed quiet. "Y'know? I should've gone with her. I asked her but she said she would go alone, I can't help but think this is all my fault."

"Wilbur... None of us knew what was gonna happen alright. It's nobody's fault." He turned around and hugged me. I gave him a hug back which made him squeeze me tighter.

"What am I supposed to do Ranboo. How are we gonna find her."

"Well, we should inform the police, then we could try to look for clues of where she could have been tooken."

"Yeah... I guess so..." He let go of me and wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt. He pulled his phone out and dialled, I'm assuming 911.

I went inside so Wilbur could talk. People were still crying and some where asleep. I turned the on the tv and chose a show. I put on (idk, you choose a show) and everyone seemed okay with it. Or maybe they were just to tired to say anything.

Wilbur soon comes back inside. I looked at him and he pulled me and Dream into the kitchen.

"So I talked with the police and they said they would try to look for her. They suspect that she's with the other girl that went missing not to long ago. Apparently they were tooken in around the same area. They are gonna come here and see what's going on and stuff. They told us we can help and look for her if we wanted to."

"Alright sounds good. I'm gonna go comfort George and stuff. I will talk to y'all later." Dream walked out of the kitchen.

"I think I'm gonna head upstairs. I'm kinda tired. Thanks for letting me know though." I said goodnight to Wilbur and headed upstairs.

I got changed into more comfortable clothes and lied down on my bed. All of the events that happened today suddenly hit me like a bus. I broke down crying. Would I ever see her again? Is she okay? Is she... alive?

All these questions played in my mind on repeat. I was so worried for her. And after everything she's been through? She doesn't deserve this...

Y/n POV:

I woke up to screaming upstairs. It sounded like a woman. The other girl thats with me is still here so she's safe. I tried to listen to the conversation but I couldn't hear much. She sounded like a mother, she also sounded familiar. I couldn't quite make out who the voice was though. After about 15 minutes of yelling I heard a bang. Sounded like a door which I'm assuming the woman left cause I didn't hear her anymore.

I heard thumping coming from the stairs. The man was back. I was a bit brighter in the room and I got a better look at him. He also looked familiar. But again, I couldn't tell from where. He had a belt in his hand and hit me with it. It hit a couple bruised from yesterday which hurt like a son if a bitch. I screamed which seemed to startle the girl cause I felt her jolt awake. She started crying almost instantly. Begging for him to stop. I told her to stop talking or it's gonna make it worse.

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