The Day Mayura died

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Nathalie's day started like any other.
It was early in the morning, when she'd rolled out of bed to disappear into the bathroom, where she'd allowed herself a shower, which should help bring her weary spirits back to life. Although she only succeeded when she was sitting with her first cup of coffee at the breakfast table. How wonderful the first sip of coffee in the morning felt! She closed her eyes for a second to enjoy it even more.
With a satisfied nod, she turned to look at her tablet. A few more appointments would have to be made. Plans would have to be agreed to.
And then there was what Karasu had said yesterday. It still sent a shiver down her spine. She knew who was hiding behind the mask. Only his destination was unclear to her. He had already expressed his wish. What else could he be after now? world domination? Chaos?
Nathalie took another sip of her coffee.
It made her sad to think about Tyler. He had been such a nice boy, sincere, calm but not mean in any way. What on earth had happened to him to make him change like that? So much so, not even she had recognized him. Although they had been working partners for years and she had always known him before both of them had even mastered the little one times one. Yet she was aware about the time they both lost sight of one another. He hasn't see him for years. Just when she started University.
"Morning.." Celine greeted her sleepily, as she made her way to the coffee-maker. Which made Nathalie break out of her thoughts, but only greeted her with a short nod.
With another big yawn, Celine also poured something into her cup before turning to her. "You're already at work? so early in the morning?..."
"I need to do some research..."
"About Karasu or Hawk Moth?.."
"Karasu, there are still too many things that don't make sense."
Celine's gaze also became more serious as the memories of the past day came up. They still tormented Celine. Karasu alone was scary enough. But seeing her otherwise self-possessed sister lose control like that really scared her. With a blink, she banished the memories and pushed the button to turn on the radio. She didn't want to spoil her early morning with bad memories right away.
"...-the current reports, let's come to the weather in Paris. The Katharina high is still making itself felt, so we can hope for pure sunshine today too. With maximum values of up to 25°C."
"So we have nice weather again today!" Celine stated happily. Nathalie envied her how quickly her mood could change and how happy she was about the little things. Such as good weather, sunshine for 3 days in a row. "Then I can move the class outside today!~" Celine continued, which made Nathalie smile. Adrien had always loved studying with her in the garden, it helped him concentrate better. This was also reflected in his performance. So she was sure he would be happy with that decision.
Nathalie emptied her cup in one gulp before putting it in the sink and reaching for her bag. "I wish you a lot of fun with it. I'll try not to come home too late today."
"I hope so! I'm making my delicious curry today! You better be there!" she admonished Celine causing Nathalie to raise her hand. "I promise it." she said before unlocking the apartment door and stepping out side, making her way to her car. The sun was already shining on her. It really was a beautiful day.
A normal day. As always.

What wasn't normal, however, was Gabriel's behaviour.
Confused, Nathalie watched him from the great hall through the open door of his study. She knew he had always been a very quiet person. But at least he had managed to say hello to Nathalie at least in the morning when she came to work. But not today.
He stood stiffly in front of his screen, one hand on his hip, totally absent and uninterested in what was going on around him.
Clearing her throat, Nathalie drew attention to herself again. "Good morning, Mr. Agreste!" she repeated again, this time in a louder tone that finally forced him to turn to face her.
"I'm busy. Can't you see that?" he replied coolly.
Did she upset him with something? Was it because of the action with Adrien? But he would have mentioned that already if it had bothered him. When it came to work or his son, Gabriel wasn't the type to give you the cold shoulder to point out that there was a problem. No, he would address it directly to get it out of the way.
With a sigh, Nathalie picked up her tablet. "Sir, you have a meeting to discuss today starting at 10 a.m."
"Cancel that."
"Excuse me?.."
"Cancel it. I pay you to do that, don't I? What else?"
"..Today at 2 p.m. Adrien's school, will be repeating yesterday's event which was cancelled due to the Akuma attack that lasted too long. That the children's guardians can present their respective professions again today."
"There's no need for that," Gabriel said again coolly with any disinterest in every word, which made Nathalie finally lose patience.
"Adrien would be very happy.."
"I have no time"
"I should just cancel the appointment," Nathalie hissed out, in a tone that Gabriel would tolerate just a bit.
"Don't bother, Nathalie," said Adrien, who trotted down the stairs, his school bag, which he usually carried so energetically, now hung limply from his shoulders, just like his head, which was stubbornly pointed to the ground. "I've tried, but he's not listening..."
Nathalie could feel the grip on her tray getting tighter. At least she could still control her facial features. Although she would like to throw the tablet at Gabriel's head. But that would get her fired. Not that Gabriel was particularly interested in what she was doing or how his son obviously wasn't in the best of shape.
Hastily she stuffed the tablet back into the bag, which she also threw over her shoulder to put her free hand on Adrien's shoulder. "Come on Adrien. School is waiting." she explained before practically pushing him out of the villa.
"Shouldn't my bodyguard drive me?" he blinked at Nathalie in surprise.
"I've got the morning off. I'll drive you," she explained and before Gabriel could protest, she slammed the hall door.

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