Karasu Part 2

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Swiftly, Hawk Moth ran along the rooftops of Paris, away from Karasu, who didn't even bother to follow him. At least not now.
Rather, Karasu stood confidently on the ledge of the school and watched with folded arms and a broad grin as he disappeared into the distance.
Smugly he reached for the chain around his neck to remove it, which made the aspects the Kwami Trixx bestowed on him disappear, taking the little kwami with them.
"That's enough. Let's bother them with something else" he announced while stowing the Miraculous back in his jacket.
His gaze wandered to Duusu, who still seemed to suffer from pain as she was just squirming.
"Ohh... No." Karasu said while running his thumb over the kwami's head. "I'm sure your prince will come to save you soon, don't worry."

Only after making sure he wasn't being followed did Hawk Moth lean against the wall of an alley before transforming back.
His Miraculous had protected him from further damage and yet the fight with the new opponent had left its mark on him.
To give Mayura the chance to escape, he kept trying to fight Karasu, even though he was way out of his league.
"Master?..." Nooroo croaked while looking at Gabriel who was sliding further down the wall.
"I'm okay..." he assured him "I just need a little break..."
Displeasure spread in the kwami as he approached the fashion designer a little, both of them were silent for a moment.
Gabriel took a deep breath before looking into the little kwami's face. "I'm sure I don't have to explain the power of your Miraculous to you. What's burning on your little immortal soul?"
".. your opponent... He uses multiple Miraculouses.."
"Yeah, I noticed that too.. That would explain his inconsistent outfit." Gabriel said while his eyes fell on the little kwami again, who seemed to be playing with his hands nervously. "But that's not what you were getting at, right?"
"No..." Nooroo squeaked softly "Master.. this man... he is dangerous.. And they are not the only Miraculouses he has.."
".. You think.."
"Yes.." Nooroo confirmed before both were startled by a loud noise. Gabriel carefully looked over his shoulder from the hiding place.
Karasu's costume had changed again. This time it had aspects of its costume that mixed the black with a magenta tone.
With a big grin he announced "Where are you two? Let's continue!" while again presenting Duusu who was still crouched down.
"We have to do something.. we can't do that nothing."
"What should we do? Even if we free Duusu.. We don't know who Mayura is behind the mask.."
"I know... But if we help the kwami, she'll be able to find Mayura..."
"Do you know how we do that?"
"Well certainly not by hiding here. The break is over. Nooroo! Darkwings rise!"

Celine now clung doggedly to her seat. In a fleeting exchange she had swapped places with her sister, who was now presenting her driving skills at full throttle while the earth was just rumbling in the background.
"Nath... are you really sure that's such a good idea?"
"Do you have a better idea?"
"No.. that.. CAUTION!" she called out quickly, while her sister was already pressing the brake to bring the car to a standstill in seconds.
"Watch where you walk!" Nathalie cursed loudly before she realized who ran in front of her car "Hawk Moth?!" now called Adrien and Celine in chorus.
"Nathalie?!" he called back before quickly covering his mouth with his hand.
A moment passed in which everyone involved just stared at each other before a loud crash in the background shook them awake.
"Oh, there you are!" announced Karasu happily who had landed on a roof a few meters away and Hawk Moth ran a shiver down his spine.
'There goes my plan...' it shot through Nathalie's mind while her gaze was also directed at Karasu.
Without thinking about it, Hawk Moth ran to the car door to tear it open and flee into the car.
"What do you think you're doing there?" snapped Nathalie at him.
"What are you waiting for! Hurry up!" he just ordered Nathalie, who didn't need to be told twice either as she saw Karasu approaching the car.
With squeaking tires, she started driving again.
The man in the purple suit could clearly feel the eyes of the boy next to him, who had shifted a bit away from him, and how uncomfortable the whole situation was.
"May I ask where you are going?" he tried to break the ice.
"During the journey, you don't talk to the driver," Nathalie replied coldly. A look in the rear-view mirror told her that Karasu was in pursuit.
"Great..." she said while clenching her teeth "Now he's after us"
Hawk Moth hastily turned around to also see that Karasu was closer than expected. "Then drive faster!"
"This is the city center!"
"And that's a dangerous men!"
"You really are a fantastic help!" Nathalie said before she made a sharp turn into the next best side street, which drove Adrien into Hawk Moth's arms for a few seconds, but of course he let go of him immediately.
"I want to help you!"
"If you really want to help us, how about you just roll out of the car and get the guy off our backs!"
".. You're driving through a city center at 60 miles per hour!"
"Then pay attention when you roll off!"
"Okay how about we all take a deep breath?" Celine intervened now. "Mayura isn't here right now, so the only option we all have is to escape." she suggested which made both adults want to growl to themselves.
But as much as Nathalie disliked it, her sister was right. She couldn't transform and danger was closing in on them with quick steps.
She quickly caught a glimpse in the outside mirror of the car. Karasu had come closer. But so was Duusu, who apparently could not free herself from his spell and had to pursue him.
'Sure.. that's it!'
"All right. I have a plan!" she announced "Adrien! Celine! You have to hold onto something now and no matter what, you must not let go!"
With a nod, both immediately followed the instruction and clung to the handles of the car and the door. Only Hawk Moth himself looked confused at the woman.
"And... what do I do?"
"You my friend, you get the wonderful task of snatching the kwami. If I swerve the car, you jump out of the car. Ready?"
"Perfect, go!"
Suddenly and with a violent jerk, Nathalie jerked the steering wheel over, causing the car to make an 80 degree turn and the door that hid Hawk Moth now facing Karasu.
Without thinking about it and being out of options, Hawk Moth ripped it open and jumped out. He quickly stretched out his arm to grab Duusu before Karasu could even realize what was happening. Or what Nathalie and Hawk Moth had just managed.
Hawk Moth carefully hid the little kwami in his hands. He had managed to land safely on the ground. His eyes now fell on the little kwami, who still seemed to be suffering, but whose pain and control depended on the distance from Karasu. She seemed to be doing a little better now.
She quickly looked at the car and Karasu, who had also come to a standstill and was in the middle between the car and Hawk Moth. A few meters away from both.
"Hurry on!" he yelled at Nathalie before turning and fleeing in the opposite direction to further relieve Duusu of her torment.
Nathalie herself didn't need to be told that twice. "Adrien! The door!" she ordered him before she started driving again.
In the rearview mirror she could see Karasu still standing around idly and getting smaller in the distance. 'He's not moving.. that's good'
"Celine.." she spoke to her sister. "We'll swap places in a moment. You take the car and Adrien and continue driving to safety. Don't stop. I'll go back and see that I get my kwami back."

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