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The days passed in Paris in which the sun rose and set again. And over time, Nathalie also managed to get a feel for settling into her new unwanted role as Mayura. What helped her get used to it, was her practicing in her room how it is to have this magical powers. And of course fighting the Men in Questions.
Because in addition to her activities as Gabriel's very personal assistant and the organization of the big event, she was now allowed to deal with the machinations of this Hawk Moth. She had also recognized that her powers weren't all that different from those of the men. His powers also had to do with emotions, but he didn't need objects but people, which he then, as he called it, akumatized. However, it happened that as soon as Mayura managed to break the akumatization, the person in question could unfortunately no longer remember anything, which did not help her to get any closer to the secret behind the man with the mask.
Not that she had a lot of time to figure that out at that moment in general.
The deadline was approaching faster than she would have liked, overtime was appropriate and her only "free time" she had, was when her boss shooed her out of the room for reasons unknown to her.

"I have an artistic inspiration and I need to be alone!" he would yell while pushing her out of the room.

"I just don't understand it.." Nathalie explained while leaning on Celine's desk "He never had anything like that before.."
With the Power of the Miraculous at her disposal she could switched occasionas much more quicker so that she could see her sister at least once in a while. Because at least now traffic was no problem for her anymore. There was no traffic on rooftops.

With a faint smile and a quick shrug, Celine put the last of her papers aside before turning to her sister. "well. you know he is. Does it at least work?"

"Yes. Whenever I'm back, he has another design ready."

"Then why are you complaining?"

"It's just weird....". Gabriel's new behavior was really no reason to complain about it, especially since Nathalie would soon have her regular everyday life back, but something just bothered her about it.

"At least you can allow yourself a snack or two!" Duusu giggled in a good mood as always from Nathalie's jacket pocket. She slowly stuck her little head out to greet Celine, who responded with a little wink.

"By the way, this arrived for you today," Celine said before handing Nathalie an exotic-looking letter. It was about to be sealed with a strange red wax seal. Something that nobody really did these days anymore.

Curious, Nathalie took the letter and opened it.

"My dearest peacock,

I have to admit, your accomplishments really impress me. You must be a natural talent~

I hope you will be able to avert worse damage in the future.

And who knows

You might even find a new Miraculouse or two.

Goodbye my dear~"

Amazed by these words, Celine breathed a simple "Wow". Watching her sister change her expression from curious to disgusted, she couldn't help but look over her shoulder. "Who is the author? And where did he learn to write like this? Look at this. I would kill for this handwriting!"

"I have no idea and I don't even want to know," Nathalie announced, annoyed while she crumpled up the letter in her hands.

Hawkmoth stood tensely alone in his attic, which now served as his secret hiding place. Unlike Mayura, he had to use living butterflies for his powers, which he now hid in this hiding place. After all, he couldn't always walk around like a madman with a net and desperately try to catch a butterfly for whenever he wanted to use his powers. Something like that would only draw attention. And when would he have to time to do that anyways?
Luckely now days, you could basicly purchase anything from the internet.
The reason for his tension was a feeling. A powerful. Someone in Paris seemed to have lost their heart to love. He could perceive the pain of the person who must have experienced the partner's infidelity. Such an awful pain.
But a chill ran down his spine at the thought of taking advantage of this. It would without a doubt be his strongest victim yet, if only for the intensity of the feeling. But it would probably also be impossible for him to somehow keep control. So should he?
He slowly opened his eyes and looked out the window into the distance. It would without a doubt be a chance to see just how strong his powers really were. And such an opportunity would probably not come again anytime soon.
He cautiously reached for his Miraculous, which his wife reminded him of. "Emilie.." he whispered softly "I'm only doing it for you.."

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