day 2:What's up with the food?

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'I woke up at 6:10am to prepare my lunch I walked down stairs, I went to the fridge And grabbed some leftovers as my lunch, I put the apple in My bento box It was Really light for some reason. I didn't have time to check right away So I put the bento box in my school bag and Started to get ready for the day, I hope for this day to be good since y/n Invited me to Go see a movie with her.'                                                       I blushed at the thought of going with   y/n and seeing her excitement , having a passion for stories and her imagination.
I got dressed up for school and walked to the shop to grab some snacks as my breakfast payed and left , I saw a few students walking by mostly club leaders I got myself prepared for another day of baking and preparing the ingredients, I walked outside to prepare the booth until all of sudden.
"Gah! "

"Did someone Really throw water on me?! why would anybody do this.. ? "

I grab the bucket off my head then to look down at self, I was wet and so was the floor before I could run to girls changing room I got stopped by a council member to scold me.

I ran to the girls changing to Pour Juice all over the showers so amai couldn't dry off ,I waited for her show up and when she did I went to her locker to take all her clothes and I ran with it.
I threw her school uniform in the baking room then to the drama room to throw her sport clothes onto the drama club then quickly ran to the swimming pool and threw her bathing suit in and left and some swim trucks next to the seat.
I was walking happily cause not only that amai can't go anywhere or to attend her duties as the leader of the cooking
club she will be mocked and humiliated by the bullies later at lunch, then the gossip will spread like wild fire.

I was chatting with kokona we were walking until we both went to the drama room and saw sports uniform throw all over I went to check for a name tag and found out it was amai shirt I was awfully confused.
'Why would her clothes be there , that didn't make any sense'
'The school bell it ranged I was about to go untill'
"Saki I think we should let the sport teacher know that clothes are everywhere at the drama club. "
But I told kokona that we should leave it now since it was going to class soon we went our separate ways, I thought I was making a good choice hiding all the clothes at boxes filled with costumes so I could retrieve her clothes to amai so she could explain herself , but then I saw ayano around I didn't think much of it
Thinking that she overslept for school.
I went away to class.

'I cried , I didn't care if I was soaking wet All my clothes went missing and the showers were covered in orange juice I would be in trouble.'
I realized it was class It was 12:20pm I needed to try and found my clothes.
I went walking barefooted wearing , the only thing covering is my towel I went walking around trying to find clothes desperately I found my shoes and wore them.
I went behind the school again so I wouldn't get caught by the teacher or students.
I went to the drama club to found Costumes but My sports clothes!
I was shocked I managed to found my sports clothes in the box I quickly put them on.
To realize it now 1pm it was lunch time I wanted to go help my members with baking sell but wanted to meet y/n at the rooftop for just for 10 minutes!
I rushed at the top floor, having my lunch box ready.
Y/n came smiling at me.
I could only offer her a conversation since I had trouble in the morning, she finished her lunch and talked all about her shows I listen to her it was great hearing her voice I grab my lunch I went to eat my apple but I felt something move in my mouth I immediately spat it out.
y/n looked disgusted but took a look at a the little piece of apple to see a worm she was freaked out by it but I was horrified.
I think we felt awkward but y/n check to see me if I was alright and said that she will see me later at the movie theater later, I felt sad that she left but understood why.
I went to go to class since lunch was over.

|During class Amai called to go to the guidance counselor.|

"Why have I got 6 complains from students asking that the showers were messed up and covered in orange juice, Then finding out that your clothes were found in swimming pool and cooking.
Even One student came in concerned
Telling me That they Saw you Naked!

"This is unappropriate behavior Miss Amai Odayoka!"

"What! Wait I never went spilled juice all over the showers! "

|Amai was unsuccessful proving her innocence in a clam manor and was forced to stay after school to clean up all the showers in the girls changing|

|After school|

'I went cleaning all the showers I managed to finish It was awful hard Not because dried up orange is hard to clean up but dead Bugs and dirt was everywhere ,I felt like Cinderella I managed to finish'
I got a call my mother I answered her she told to come immediately I was worried and Rush to the bakery it was a disaster Bugs was everywhere flys, cockroaches, ants, even spiders were everywhere my mother was in tears filled with stress I Rushed her upstairs
And grab 2 cans of bug spray to get rid of all the bugs to make sure they died after they did, I went to my mother.

My mother told me that lots of people threw up and trashed the place and ran out to the new restaurant , A safety inspector was coming tomorrow at 9am sharp.
I never liked my mother being so upset I decided to stay in the bakery Tomorrow and skipped school the next day I hope my mother cleaned the whole bakery.

I knew this could have been a coincidence. Why would bugs come over and try to be at the bakery, or even at my home, I decided to stay awake all night so I could try and observe the outside.
I thought somebody has plan this so I waited to found out!
But.. I swear I'm forgetting something..?

(Earlier at 5pm)

I looked at y/n with loving eyes she looked so pretty Especially when she was waiting but it seemed her patients were wearing thin and snapped.

"Is she kidding me I have been waiting for 2 hours and the movie is over Ugh.. "

Y/n went inside in the movie theater and purchased a movie ticket and went to see Barbie, I went to buy a ticket and followed her in for almost 2 hours I stared lovingly at her.
It was a great night to see my senpai enjoying herself even without friends it was so refreshing to see that
Especially since amai is out of the picture for at least two days..

F̶e̶m̶a̶l̶e̶ r̶i̶v̶a̶l̶s̶ X y/n X Ayano aishiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें