Day 2:Get into character

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I talked to kizana last night about what happen and it seemed like she didn't put the crowbar into the handle of the incinerator I forgave her , but I'll have to keep a close eye on kokona she doesn't get mistreated by kizana.

I went to school and saw kizana waiting for me in the entrance. I walked over to her and see what she wanted to say.

"Y/n I'm sorry that you had to see that side of me I just have been working on this play and I just want everything to go according to plan.. "

"Kizana.. It's okay I get how busy you are on trying to have everything before the deadline. "

"Well y/n darling costumes are coming on Thursday and I want you to my house after school to see the costumes first before anybody else! since this play is based on the French Revolution I need you to come to the drama club with me. "

"Alright lead on kizana! "

I followed her behind her , As we made our way to the drama and she closed the door and showed me 2 large wigs that was placed on the table.
One wig had a large unique hairstyle top with a small light green hat while the other wig had its hair down that touched the floor, Kizana showed me a book and turn to a page she was looking for and said "y/n show me which hair style you want to have during the play. "

I was shocked to to see the hairstyles that 18th century women in France had

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I was shocked to to see the hairstyles that 18th century women in France had.

I looked at kizana wig it had á la persane style it looked dramatic but beautiful so I looked a bit more on the page and picked petite palissnde style kizana took a look on the hair style that I wanted and grabbed a mask for the both of us and told me to hold onto the head while she styled the wig.
The air was filled with hairspray all around the drama room it was really toxic and she was working quick on the wig and after 30 minutes past she stopped because the bottle was empty and she hold my hand and got out of the drama room to get fresh air and after I took my mask off she went somewhere and came back with roses and a hairbrush and walked us to a bench.

"Y/n I feel like you should have a hairstyle that's makes you be part of the play for the time being so I hope you don't mind me doing your hair. " she said it in a soft voice, I accept the offer It has been awhile since I had a new hairstyle so I let her do hair, she really was gentle with my hair which was great.
But I swear it felt like somebody was watching us from afar and it seemed like kizana took notice of it and was a bit annoyed so after she was done doing my hair and placing roses on my hair she took a glance and grab my hand in the gymnasium towards the stage were everyone was talking until kizana came on the stage and began to speak.

"Everyone I would like to perform two scenes from the script. Everyone's costumes will come at Friday but I'd like to perform a dancing scene were all nobles dancing with each other and the forbidden love scene, Get into character! before the clock hits at 8am."

F̶e̶m̶a̶l̶e̶ r̶i̶v̶a̶l̶s̶ X y/n X Ayano aishiWhere stories live. Discover now