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'I hope I'm happy with myself cause I didn't slept all night, kept hearing knocking at my window and a figure at this point I'm I just going insane or seeing things again.. '
Not even tea can help me be awake at least for 10 hours Welp I ready for this picnic in 2 hours I better prepare myself and not to try fall a sleep'

 'Not even tea can help me be awake at least for 10 hours Welp I ready for this picnic in 2 hours I better prepare myself and not to try fall a sleep'

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"plus who the hell eats pancakes at the afternoon! "
'Gosh I'm not normal I keep getting weird , loud and crazy.. Be clam y/n! You can do this! '

'It is a lovely day for a picnic I do wonder where is y/n? '

"Hey sorry I was late I kept talking a break because it was heavy and- again I'm so sorry"Y/n finished her sentence before joining amai in the ground and taking a breath.

" y/n it's fine honestly let's just set our picnic and get to know each other , so what is your hobbies?"


"This Is delicious y/n! It taste sweet than it looks! "

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"This Is delicious y/n! It taste sweet than it looks! "

"Oh.. Wow thanks, I'm so gla-d you like it ,not many people like raspberries.. "

"Y/n try this soup I made specifically for us. "

'Heh little do you know amai, I poisoned the soup. ' >:)

"Wow this soup taste great.. Um, Hey what did you put in this-"

"Omg y/n Hi! About time you got out of your home! "
As me and y/n looked up behind us and saw museme with her gang.

"You are coming with us Girly We are going shopping! Yay! " Museme was filled with energy and Excitement, then took y/n hand.

"We are going to shop till we all drop dead!"
'I wonder what was wrong with amai soup? I feel like I'm going to be sick'

*Y/n and museme group went shopping and tried every clothing untill the shops had to close,the next day y/n had 13 hours of sleep to recover*

F̶e̶m̶a̶l̶e̶ r̶i̶v̶a̶l̶s̶ X y/n X Ayano aishiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt