Chapter: Twelve

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Jungkook watched up in sheer awe as he walked through the massive halls of the palace that had once been his home. It was amazing, even as it stood threatening to collapse at any moment. Its furnishing had never been altered, meaning that the castle had to be deserted after his death. He stopped as memories flashed before his eyes, painful and clear.

His father looked back at him in sympathy, putting an arm around his son's shoulder. His arm stretched out to point down the hall, leading Jungkook in that direction. As the boy took a step forward, the dark halls suddenly brightened...No longer empty, they were filled with people again and Jungkook's eyes widened at the sight of the familiar, black, lizard-like demons swarming the halls again. He watched as people ran in all directions, hearing their screams ring his ears. Mercilessly, those monsters slaughtered innocent lives, and Jungkook was caught in the middle of the massacre.

"Run, Jungkook!"

At the command, he looked up to find his father fighting off the beasts as best as he was able to, his worried brown eyes pleading with Jungkook to go to safety.

"Go now!"

A pained cry tore free from his father, Jungkook's own cry of dismay easily drowning it, as a creature's claws sank deeply into his father's back. His feet began carrying him to his father's aid, but a hold on his wrist stopped him, jerking him in the opposite direction.

"Jungkook, please!", his mother begged, tear-filled eyes wide with fright, "We must go!"

"But Father-"

"He's gone, Jungkook.", his mother sobbed, leading him away from the sight of his father's body, "We have to hide. You're in danger, Jungkook."

With one last look at his father's body, Jungkook did as his mother bid, following him as he led him off to another part of the castle. The large wooden door that they were soon in front of was thrown open and Jungkook was pushed into it. His mother followed, both pushing the heavy door shut just before a black demon had tried to jump in after them.

"Down the stairs, Jungkook. Quickly."

He did as told, stumbling in the darkness of the stairwell. He hadn't tried to hold back his tears and he could hear his mother's sobs at the death of his father. When he reached the landing, he looked in the darkness for him, his hand reaching out for his mother's. He took hold of it, beginning to lead him once again.

This time it was to an iron door that creaked loudly as he pulled it open. With Jungkook entering before him once again, doe eyes looked around the giant torch lit room. This was the room that held the tombs belonging to the Kings of Old. His mother's footsteps echoed loudly over the marble floor and he looked to find him rushing off to another stairwell, this one leading back up. He knew however that it would take them outside of the castle walls and they would be able to escape. As he watched his mother turn back to him, Jungkook felt his stomach drop before everything darkened.

He was back in the present time once again and he found his mother beside him, his father now walking ahead of them. It would seem that he was making his way to his own tomb, stopping in front of the stone door and dragging it open. He leaned against the door, smiling eyes looking back to Jungkook, who was still sniffling. He had actually been crying as he had re-lived his father's death and the terrible moments that had happened so many years ago. His mother took hold of his hand again, drawing him forward. Just as the first time, he was unexpectedly pulled back into the past.


At his mother's cry, Jungkook turned to look behind him, eyes widening as he was aware of the sword swinging for him. He stumbled back, feeling his mother push him out of the way and placing himself in front of him.

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