Chapter: Five

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Nefarah sat patiently in wait of her servant. Though the little patience that she had was thinning. Rama had been expected back since this afternoon. It was now nearing sunset. Her mind was racing for a report, and the damned bird wasn't here yet.

She stood from her throne to pace the floor, her hands clenched into fists by her side. She was ready to scream from frustration when she heard the caw of the raven. Her eyes glanced behind her, finding Rama. He was kneeling, head bowed, and she turned to face him. It was about damned time that he showed up.

"Where have you been?," she asked with an aggravated voice.

The man stood from his position of respect, eyes looking into Nefarah's

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

The man stood from his position of respect, eyes looking into Nefarah's. He had been making sure to do as told. He had been spying on the small band of travelers. "My apologies, Lady Elf. I was only doing as told. I followed Taehyung and the others to Florian."

"And?" she asked impatiently.

"Your father has offered them any and all support as their allies, and your brother will join Taehyung, the dragon lord, and boy in their journey."

Nefarah's jaw clenched at the sound of the words "father" and "brother". She hated those two with a passion. Her father was the reason why she resided here in this palace in the Dark Lands. He would have nothing to do with her after she refused to give up her practice of the Black Arts. She had hated him before, when he had barely tried to help her gain Taehyung. Though she loathed and despised him when he took the throne of Florian from her and handed it off to that bastard son of his.


The name made her grind her teeth in anger. The boy wasn't even birthed by the Queen. His mother was a maiden in Florian's lower courts. Jimin himself wouldn't have been a thought to his father if Fàidh hadn't given mention of the boy to him. She would still have her throne, since her father would have had no one to give it to, but she couldn't dwell on the past; there were other things to worry about.

"Where are they headed?" she asked, walking to the small table.

Rama watched as she lifted the small necklace from the table's top. She was losing sleep over the few days trying to figure out the hows and whys since its arrival. Her temper was worse than before, though this was a rare time when it barely revealed itself. "They are heading out in search of the Seer." Rama told her, "I believe they are going to him in search of answers to their own questions."

"This boy, have you seen him?" Rama nodded, and she walked closer, eyes latched to his. "Then let me have a look."

With a sigh, Rama let his amber eyes stare into hers. He felt his mind invaded and the events of the days passed before him. From the moment she sent him out, to his flight back here and all in between.

Nefarah watched impatiently as she searched through Rama's memories. There were plenty of times when the man had caught sight of the boy. However, whatever magic that protected the boy was particularly strong. The vision of him was blurred to her even through the mind of her own servant.

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