Chapter: Four

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Taehyung froze as he watched Jungkook falling from the canopy, his attack on the gryphon stopping. His heart stopped for a moment as time seemed to slow down. He watched the boy hit a large branch and he swore he heard the painful crack of bone. It was the boy's cry of pain that brought him out of his daze. Jungkook was now caught by the ankle in a tangle of branches. Taehyung hadn't noticed it, but the gryphon was no longer in front of him. Instead it stood under Jungkook, coiled and ready to jump. And jump it did, its large beaked jaw opening, ready to snap closed around its victim.


He didn't even notice that the cry of the boy's name came from him and his body acted on its own accord, pushing off of the ground to run to the young boy's rescue. His shout had caused the boy to look down and he saw the humans face written with fear as the gryphon closed in on him. Though he was moving, it felt as if he was far away; too far away, and moving as if in slow motion. His heart started to jump again and he heard it echo in his ears. He wasn't going to make it. His eyes looked to Cien, whose roar made the surrounding forest tremble. He was unable to reach Jungkook, since he had been wounded and now couldn't stand.


His shout had a lot more fear in it, since the gryphon's beak was now close enough to take off the boys head. He felt his heart racing and it then clenched painfully. He would lose Jungkook, he would lose his prince. Again. He didn't know when he did it, but his dagger was changed to the shaft of an arrow and he notched it into the bow that appeared in his free hand. Jungkook would not be stolen from him.

"Not again." he hissed and the arrow went flying.

The monster gave a loud screech as it was hit in its side and it fell to the ground, rolling away painfully. Taehyung didn't pause and another arrow was in his hand, and it was released without hesitation. The beast was trying to stand when the arrow hit its chest. It was knocked backwards and it crashed into one of the large trees. Taehyung glared as it struggled to right itself, but didn't allow it to; or he had tried at least. The gryphon had learned of Taehyung's intention rather quickly and it moved with a speed towards him. The king wasn't prepared for it and he cried out as a talon slashed across his chest. It caused him to drop the bow and arrow, and he fell to the ground.

The gryphon was now under Jungkook once again, the boy still struggling to free himself. The gryphon watched up at its prey as the small human tried its best to free itself from the trap it was caught in. Its muscles tensed as it prepared itself to jump up, wings folding close to its body. As the boy gave a cry, it sprang, jaw opening wide, ready to have the taste of blood on its tongue. It was, however, greeted with the feeling of fire being shot into its throat. With a painful shriek, it fell back to the ground, one of its wings breaking under the pressure. The gryphon wriggled on its side for a moment, eyes scanning to see if it could find its attacker. It only found another arrow on its way, lit with fire as it embedded itself in the creature yet again. It tried to shriek again but it couldn't. The bird-like monster turned over, its legs quivering under it as it struggled to lift itself. It turned its head, looking up into another tree with a strangled squawk, to see the Fae king standing upon a thick branch, bow and arrow poised and ready, its tip alight with the dragon lord's fire. He released it, striking between the gryphon's eyes, the monster crying out and then falling to its side. It continued to move for a moment and then it stilled.

Jungkook was panting as he watched the creature die and he looked up as the branches he was caught in jerked, troubling his ankle. His adrenaline was lowering, so his other matters were making themselves known. Like his shoulder that throbbed relentlessly.


Taehyung's voice caused him to look down, to find the Fairy King climbing toward him. It wasn't long before his poor ankle was finally freed, and he and Taehyung were lowering toward the ground.

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