Start from the beginning

"Well, usually you gotta burn their bones, but he was cremated." Dean says.

"So we're up poop's creek without a paddle?" Donna asks.

"Ew." Libby mutters.

"Mm. Not exactly. I mean, looks like he's tied to the costumes, which means the only way to stop him is to burn them." Sam says.

"Then we're already ahead of the game. I had Doug go to the high school and collect the costumes." Donna states.

"Great. Here is a list of the rest." Sam hands her a piece of paper. "Think you and Doug can round 'em up?"

"Yeah. You betcha." Donna nods.

"Now we just gotta figure out what Chester's beef was with the vics. Ghosts come back for something personal. Usually, it's revenge." Dean says.

"All right, drop me off at the hospital. I'll check on the coach." Sam says.

"I'll see if I can find Stan's widow. Let's go." Dean says, the two getting in the car.


It's nighttime and a dude stuck in a clown costume ended up killing the coach before Sam could get there. Sam had to fight the clown, getting the ghost out of the man's body. Dean talked to Stan's widow and explained how the two now dead men had accused Chester of going too far with their children.

Sam and the kids follow Rita into her house, Dean already inside with Max.

"I don't appreciate you talking to my son when I am not home." Rita states.

"Hey, we were just trading some card tricks, that's all." Dean says.

"What are you even doing here? I told you everything I know." Rita states. Dean sends a pointed look in Max's direction. "Okay, honey, go to your room." Max walks out.

"Look, we know that the coach and Stan confronted you about Chester." Sam says.

"That is none of your damn business. It has nothing to do with any of this." Rita states.

"Those men were murdered. And whether or not you believe it, your brother is connected." Sam states.

"How? Chester is dead. Killed himself." Rita states.

"You sure about that?" Dean asks.

"Look, we need to know the truth. People's lives are at stake here." Sam says.

"Yeah. Maybe yours. Maybe Max's." Dean says, knowing that'll get her to talk.

"Okay. Okay." Rita relents. "A couple of months ago, Stan and the coach came by. They said that Chester was with their kids, did something... inappropriate. I got defensive. I mean... Chester was sweet, like a dad to Max. So I told them to get lost. If they had a problem with Chester, they could go to the cops."

"But they didn't." Sam says.

"They didn't have any evidence. But then, I started to have my doubts. I mean, as much as I wanted to defend my brother... what they said really... got under my skin. Chester was always a little... off. Only got along with kids. That's why he became a party performer. I spent my whole life sticking up for my brother. But what if I couldn't see him for who he really was? And he and Max were so close. I mean... what if he was hurting him, and I didn't know? Chester was my brother, but... Max is my son."

"So you wanted to protect him?" Sam asks.

"How could I look the other way? I had to suck it up and face my biggest fear. If not me, then who? But I should've talked to him. I just should've gone to him first. Instead... I called Stan back. And he said that they would take care of it. So one day when Chester was working, I told them where he was. They promised me that they weren't gonna hurt Chester. They were just gonna scare him a little bit. And I thought, you know, maybe a good scare... maybe that's all he needed."

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