Start from the beginning

"What's the deal? He seems nice." Sam says.

Libby licks Nathan's palm making him jerk his hand away.

"Dude!" Nathan harshly whispers. He wipes his hand on her jacket. Libby grins and Nathan glares at her, both for that and her earlier comment.

"He is! But he's a cop... named Doug. I mean, clearly, I have a type, but no, thank you, ma'am. Won't be once bitten, twice Doug'd." Donna says.

"Oh, yeah, I remember that douchebag. Freakin' douchebag." Ophelia mumbles the last part.

"All right, where's the wascally wabbit?" Dean asks.

~ ~ ~

Donna leads them to the cell and the man with the bunny head is sitting on the cot in the cell.

"Any witnesses?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, vic's wife -- Frank Hinkle. Poor thing thought she was next, but the bunny just up and walked out the door." Donna says.

"You I.D. him yet?" Dean asks.

"Nope. No wallet. No cell. Ran his prints, but no prior record. Couldn't even get our hands on him long enough to check for any identifying marks. Only thing we do know -- he's Caucasian, roughly 18 to 25... and terrifying." Donna states.

There's a knock on the door that leads into the hall they're in and Doug steps in.

"Clive's on the line. Said it's an emergency." Doug informs Donna.

"Just shoot a hoot if you need me." Donna says, her and Doug leaving.

"What's up, Doc? Be easier all around if you just talk to us." Dean says. He walks closer to the cage.

"Careful." Sam warns.

"Yeah." Dean mumbles. "So what happened, pal? Hmm? What, you dropped too much molly? Super glue your mask to your head, get paranoid, stab a guy? I've been there." Dean says.

"Let me guess, Rog. You were framed!" Sam says in a voice. Dean turns and gives him a look. Libby disappointedly shakes her head. "What?" Sam asks. His eyes widen. "Dean!"

They all look to see the guy stood up and grabs Dean by his jacket, pulling him against the cell. Dean tries to pry himself out of his grip as the guy gets him in a chokehold. Sam grabs his flask and splashes holy water on the guy.

"It's not a demon." Sam says.

"He is strong." Dean says, the two brothers trying to get the bunny dude off. Ophelia tilts her head forward, the bunny guy flying back into the wall, landing on the bed.

Dean breathes heavily.

"You couldn't have done that a few moments earlier?!" Dean asks.

"Well, Uncle Sam was testing it for a demon." Ophelia shrugs making Dean roll his eyes.

"I say a tattoo. Said "Kylie Forever."" Sam states.

"See? If I didn't a few moments earlier, he wouldn't have seen that." Ophelia says and Dean gives her a bitch face.


It's nighttime and the Winchesters, Nathan, and Donna are in the woods and the bunny head is on the ground. Sam pours gasoline and salt over it.

"You okay?" Dean asks the sheriff.

"No, not really. A 19 year old kid is dead." Donna says.

"That's not on you or Doug. He was just doing his job." Sam says.

"I know, but... that kid was innocent. I mean, if the mask was cursed, then he was just a puppet, right? He was a victim, too." Donna says. Sam hands Donna the matches which she lights up.

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