Chapter 7: First Reunion

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"Sera!" Jun called out from the storage room, head poking out to the front area of the caffee, "Can you clean up the espresso machine real quick?" He asked as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a bit heavier as he has been lifting heavy boxes since the morning to organize the storage room so it wasn't a mess.

Sera, who was seated at one of the tables in the cafe with several papers layed before her looked up, and noticed her fathers tired expression. So with a smile, she stood up a gave a thumbs up, "Sure thing!" She replied, walking behin the counter and began to do what was aksed of her.

Its been a little over two weeks since Sera finally returned to South Korea, and nearly everyday was spent with her dad at the new cafe. It was a rather domestic time since shes returned, but Sera was none the less just as happy to help her dad until he hired more workers. It was nice, to see the new cafe turn from an empty void building, to once filled with such brightness and warmth that reminded Sera so much of the old cafe.

Jun even hung up some of Sera's old elementary drawings she did much to her embarrassment. Honestly, she wanted to tell her father to get rid of them, but stayed silent and could only smile when Jun proudly hung up the framed works of Sera's childish drawings, along with Ji-Ho and Chu-Hei's drawings he's preserved all these years.

As Sera busied herself with cleaning the coffee machine, the bells rung as the entrance to the cafe opened. She didn't look up right away as she was too immersed in cleaning, "Oh sorry," she replied half heartedly, finally looking up from the machine to confront the early customer, "We're not open yet but come back in an hour-" her voice caught in her throat as she stared in familiar dark eyes.

Someone she hasn't seen in years, who's looked worst for ware as his dark blonde hair was messily tussled in all sorts of directions. Face looking more sunked in then she lst saw him, as his clothes hung off his body with skin looking unhealthy pale.

"Hey..." the man spoke, a bit raspy as if he hasn't used his voice for a long time.

Jun called once more from the storage room, "Sorry sweetie but can you also refill the beans?" When Sera said nothing, Jun got a bit concerned as he walked out to the fornt, "Is something the matter?" He asked initially, before he noticed the other person who Sera was staring at, "Oh my..."

"Ah!" Yoongi got surprised a bit, as he bowed slightly at Sera's father, "Hello Uncle Jun."

Quickly noticing the state his daughter was in, and the rising awkwardness of the atmosphere, Jun quickly stepped in to take his daughters place, "Long time my boy!" He greeted ethusatically. Maybe a bit too much as the awkwardness of that greeting was prominent, "I hope you've been doing well!" He then turned to look at his daughter who continued to remain silent, "Ah- why dont you get some bread in the back? I can handle the coffee machine?"

That seemed to do the trick, as whatever trance his daughter was in suddenly vanished as her shoulders jumped a bit in surprise. He facial expression was one filled with confusion but also questioning as she stared at her father but chose to not address his weird behavior. "Uh yeah sure," she mumbled before turning to Yoongi who has been standing in the same spot the whole time and gestured to the small table for two that was nearby the window, "Take a seat, just give me a minute."

"Yeah, of course!" Yoongi hurriedly did what he was told, nearly tripping over air on his rush to take a seat at the table as Sera vanished into the back of the cafe.

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