Chapter 25 Prelude

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Once again, the two interns to the Starlight Agency found themselves within the training room, this time for the third year's sake.

Nejire: Soo. . . How are we gonna do this? Are we gonna do it like we did for you? Are you gonna come up with some crazy metaphors? Are you gonna bonk me-

Zeny: Punch me.

Nejire: (Tilts head) Eh?

Zeny: Punch. Me. No Quirk.

Nejire: Are you sure?

Zeny: Yes.

Nejire: . . . Well, okay!

And so, Nejire-Chan nonchalantly decked her kohai in the face, and to Zeny's shock, she had a mean right hook. . .

Zeny: . . . Ow.

Nejire: Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Zeny: (Smirks) Not bad. Now. . . Do it with your Quirk?

Nejire: Are you super duper sure, it's gonna hurt. . . A lot?!

Zeny: I think I can-

And once again, the first year received a knuckle sandwich, except this time it was powered up by Nejire's Wave Motion Quirk! The yellow spirals shot out of her arms and rushed up to her knuckles and coiling into Zeny's face, sending her sprawling across the training room! The ravennette hit the ground with a thud, groaning on impact. . .

Nejire: SORRY!

Zeny: . . . You were not. . . (Wheeze) lying.

Hado helped her up, sputtering apologies upon noticing the cracks formed on Zeny's face. There were a lot of them, and they were quite dense. . .

Zeny: Now, you're probably wondering why I had you do that?

Nejire: (Nods excessively)

The cracks faded from Zeny's face and reappeared on her arm, cerulean energy glowing through her skin.

Zeny: Imagine that force. . . but stacked on top of this!

Shining Strike!

Stars formed in the bluenette's eyes as Zeny's shining fist launched towards the wall, a massive, overwhelming force exuding from her arm and creating a colossal gust of wind!

Zeny: (Eyes wide) You hit me way harder than I thought you did, geez. . .

Nejire: You-You imitated one of the Shining Star's super moves!

Zeny: (Smiles) Well, I am her daughter.

Hado was getting more and more excited!

Nejire: . . . And to think I might be able to do stuff like that! Teach me! Teach me! Teach me!

Zeny: I guess we should get started. . .

They moved to the other side of the room, where the safety mats were. Better for Nejire to collapse onto them than onto hard metal. . .

Zeny: So, I read up on your Quirk, but it doesn't really explain how it feels for you to let energy out of your body. Mind helping out?

Nejire: Oh! I don't really know, to be honest! I just kinda get a tingle in my muscles and then, bam!

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