The first five minutes were heavy, and you decided you didn't like it.

"I'm sorry-"

"Shut up." His response was cold and instinctual, and you watched him immediately recognize the error. He didn't make to fix it, though, and you knew he wouldn't. But a piece of him somewhere knew he shouldn't have said it, and that was enough for you to forgive him.

Silently, and with slow nonevents, you upturned your hand to him above the center console. Ruby eyes flecked away from the road just long enough to confirm it was there, and his hairless brows crinkled ever-so-slightly. A look of pain, anguish, mental deterioration. That look stayed there so long you figured he was ignoring you, but you kept your hand there anyway, an open invitation for comfort.

And it stayed there, empty, until you arrived.

"Pops is a little overbearing, but he means well." You shrugged softly, gathering your bag up to throw into the back seat. "Just try not to squish anyone. They can be annoying."

"You're too little." Eustass huffed at last, the only words he'd said since telling you to shut your trap. His evil eyes turned to you, looking down with a glower that by now- you were accustomed to. He lent on the center console with his flesh arm, hand upwards and out stretched like yours had been the whole ride. "Too small."

"Yeah." You sighed dryly.He was right, your hand was much to small for his. Even resting like it was, there was no hope of lacing your fingers. Your knuckles would stretch apart and the gentle skin between them would rip. "I'm used to it."

A bitter taste was fresh on your tongue, but you let it settle as you turned and exited the Jeep. You were too small. A tiny person, a tiny human, especially in comparison to him. Six-foot-nearing-seven demon of wrath was much to large for you, and yet you were masquerading as friends. He was too strong, important, powerful.

You were a puny little girl, equal to a doll- if that.

"You're too young."

Too young, too little, too much of something insignificant. It was becoming a recurring theme in your life. Limitations placed off something out of your control.

"Kitty," Eustass called, and you paused several feet ahead of him. He looked pained, wincing and standing with an awkward weight on his prosthetic side. "Stick close."


You'd almost forgotten.


"You know," something about the pet name mixed with his dismissive attitude struck you, and that burning pike inside your gut sent your feet twirling around to face the demon head on. He seemed surprised, but you weren't concerned with that. Not now, not when every second with him was a facade orchestrated to make his own agenda go easier. "Maybe I don't want to give you my soul."

That stuck Eustass with an internal type of pain he hadn't felt before. Deep, lingering, and most of all, unwarranted. You were never supposed to give him it, the question was out of courtesy. He could take it- would take it, wether you liked it or not. As far as he was concerned, your soul was his property.

But you were willing to give it away, like it meant nothing to you. His entire plan had been rearranged and sculpted around the fact that not only were you willing to give him that which he sought, but that the item was stolen. Taken away from you, stripped from your very bones and without you ever noticing.

"If I keep it," you continued, not yet through with your devastation of his sanity. "Will you take it from me anyway?"

Eustass knew and had known for the last several hours that this, exactly, was a choice he would have to make. This decision, which never should have come to fruition, was one he had no business making. It wasn't his job to pick right or wrong, or even to understand the difference between them. He didn't have an answer for you, it wasn't his right.

The cooling evening air filled your lungs as you waited for his reply, and the pyre in your heart sizzled out into embers. You knew the answer, even if he didn't. And you also knew it was unfair of you to ask it.

"Oi!" Before Eustass or yourself could make the final move to define your relationship permanently, Marco stormed out of the house with a red solo cup in his outstretched hand. "Quit loitering outside, that's what the backyard is for."

"Sorry, Marco." You forced a tilted half smile, giving it your best to not look as tired as you felt. "I hope you don't mind Eustass, I couldn't convince myself to leave the apartment so he did it for me."

" 'S fine." He shrugged, listless eyes even more hooded than usual. He was, understandably, drunk off his ass. "But come on, seriously. Pops is waiting for you."

"We're coming."

You took one last glance at Kidd to make sure he was following, and let Marco lead you both onto the estate. You thought you'd feel nostalgic, walking the halls that once upon a time- felt like home. Now it felt forced, like every second you spent inside those walls were one you wasted pretending to be somebody else.

Was there still blood on your carpet?

Your face crumpled at that intrusive thought, and you shook your head to physically rid yourself of it. Unnecessary. Images of Thatch were quick to follow, and your chest was beginning to ache where Law had burned you.

Large fingers pinched the back of your shirt, slowing your long strides. Eustass didn't speak, but looked at you cautiously as he corralled you closer to his side. Once he'd succeeded in maintaining his preferred distance, he let his hand fall back to his side. For a demon, he was awfully gentle. But it meant nothing, it was as empty as your chest.

How many times did you have to remind yourself before it finally stuck?

"Pops wants to see ya first." Marco sighed, a slanted frown on his thin lips. "His health hasn't been great."

"Is it the cancer?"


Seemed like grief was something you'd have to get used to.

"Don't stress about it. Doc says he's got time left." Marco tried his best to uplift your spirit, but there was none left. You felt just as hollow now as you did before the news. "The old fart isn't going anywhere soon."

"Okay." It was a lame response, but all you had to give.

Fuck, how were you going to introduce Eustass?

"Hey, pops." You strode up to the large old man confidently, letting him scoop you up into his giant arms for a bone crushing hug.

"Oh, lass, you're a sight for sore eyes!"

"I'm sorry for being away." You tried to apologize, what words could possibly be enough? "It's been... hard."

"I know, girlie. Let it be, for now. Today is a celebration!" Pop's large hands slid down over your biceps to hold you at arms length, a fatherly smile on his wrinkled cheeks. He looked just the same as when you left, save for the thin oxogen tube resting above his mustache. You winced, thick fingers pressing into the greening bruise on your arm. "Rest your thoughts, let there be joy in his memory, just once more."

"I'm sorry-"

"None of that!" He hushed you with a laugh, cupping your chin with both palms to lift it higher than your clavicle. "Introduce me to your friend, there's a party waiting!"

"Right, this is Eustass Kidd," you turned and motioned to the demon, who was staring holes into Edward Newgate as if there was something hidden beneath his old man exterior. You supposed that if there was, Eustass would be the one to know. "He's a good friend, I'm renting him my couch while he gets his shit together. Kid, this is my Pops."

"Pleasure to meet you." Eustass forced out, the words strained against his jugular. His prosthetic, spelled to look normal, reached out for a shake. "_____ told me a lot."

"Aye, wish I could say the same, lad." It wasn't an insult, but the grip of his shake was. You watched Kid swallow thickly. "Are you taking good care of my only daughter?"


"She takes pretty good care of herself." It was a lie, everyone in the room knew it. Eustass drew his hand back and shoved it ten feet deep in his pocket. "I just remind her to eat."

"I see."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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