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"Eat it." Eustass glared, metal arm caging you against the table and flesh hand holding a cabbage roll to your lips. He had swiveled you around to face towards him, frown heavy on his scarlet lips as you once again refused.

"I'm not hungry." You repeated for the seventh time.

"Kitten, I swear to fucking god-" he dropped the roll on his plate and slammed the heel of his palm to the wooden table, shaking it. His golden eyes sent you an intense glare. "You are going to stay pint sized for the rest of your fucking life, which isn't going to be very long if you starve to death."

"I had an apple with you this morning." You retorted, hands clasped daintily in your lap. You still had the mind to remain polite, even with his rude tongue. His glare only worsened and you shrunk in on yourself. "Why are you so adamant? You don't need my body to reap my soul, you said yourself."

"I don't need it." He gestured to himself with his thumb. "Trafalgar would be a thorn in my side for the rest of eternity, and he's already getting on my nerves."

"I'm not going to starve, I ate once today and that's already more than usual." You nodded firmly, trying to reassure him. He didn't look very convinced. A little piece of your brain was bothered by the fact he didn't care for your well-being, but it was quickly silenced. You reminded yourself that he was a demon, and the only reason you'd remained alive so far was your misfortune. "I swear, I've always had these eating habits, I can't help it."

"Fine." Eustas brought his hand to his lips, licking off the sauce from the cabbage rolls. He leaned back on the bench, giving you ample room. He gestured to you with a trying expression. "Why?"

Your head tilted.

"Why what?"

"Why do you eat like an anorexic?" He was blunt about it, and you frowned.

"I'm not anorexic." You grumbled, unamused. He only lifted his non-existent brows in a gesture to make you elaborate.

Your lips parted to admit your sins just like you'd gotten used to doing, but then, to his surprise, you shut them. Not once in the few days he'd known you, had you ever clammed up about something. In fact, you seemed almost too okay with sharing your thoughts.

So your sudden silence made his red flags fly.


"I don't want to speak about it." You frowned, refusing to lift your eyes from the opposite wall. You sat like a statue on his thigh, hands clamped in your lap and face set in that same impassive and expressionless way.

"I didn't ask if you wan-"

"And I don't care." You turned your eyes to him at last. A subtle glare behind them. "I do not want to speak about it."

The entire mess hall went silent.

Nobody had ever refused Eustass Kid, and little did they know you'd threatened him before too. He licked his painted lips before leaning back forward, closing some of the distance he'd created.

"Okay." Silverware hit plates as the crew dropped them in shock. Eustass ignored them, focusing solely on you. He rubbed his chin, scratching absently as his mind tumbled with thoughts unspoken. "Then, answer me why you don't want to talk about it."

"I-" your voice caught in your throat, and a pained expression crossed your face. You winced, placing a hand over the hole in your chest. Your eyes broke the stare as a gasp escaped your lips, and for a moment, it didn't go away. And then the moment passed, and it still fucking hurt. "I-I can't- I-"

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