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(An: just making up/using names from other fan fictions for the others in Kid's crew :) there isn't much material on them sadly.)

"Eustass-ya!" Law hissed, shoving you behind him. You took hold of Law's thick coat to stop from toppling over. You were tempted to peek around and see who the new demon was, but decided against it. The new presence was large and suffocating, it brought a terrible ache to your head.

"I'll ask once. Deliver the vessel." His words were cold and hard, yet he continued to grin. His devilishly white teeth sparkled, but it was with malice.

"What does a freak like you want with humans?" Kid was quick to question, his lips pulled into a nasty scowl. "Last I checked, your job was to take care of the already dead."

"You should be less concerned about what my job is," The freakishly tall man with short blond hair stepped forward, hovering over the smaller demons with the same homicidal grin. You caught a glance of pink feathers from behind Law's coat. "And more about what I'm going to do to you."

"Killer." Eustass spoke, lowly and evenly. The demon didn't need to ask what, already rushing to your side.

"I'm really sorry." He spoke, tearing off his helmet to reveal a pale face and long curly fringe.

"What-?" But you didn't get to finish. Killer grabbed you by the back of the neck and leaned down, pressing his lips to yours in a very forced kiss. Your gasp aided him as his tongue was shoved down your throat, and he bit down on your bottom lip with sharp canines. Blood was drawn, but as quick as it happened, it ended.

"You've made a mistake." The blond demon was frowning, which made the others all the more uneasy. He tucked his clearly flexing hands deep into his slacks pockets. You could only touch your bleeding lip in surprise as Killer used his one free hand to put his helmet back on his head, the one around the back of your head cradling you gently. "I'm not the only one who wants her."

"No, just the most ugly." Eustass snapped, and the threatening man whipped to glare at him through his purple tinted glasses.

"The most polite."

There was a loud crack and a flash of bright burning light, then he was gone. All four stood silently for a moment, basking in the afterglow of life. None, except you, had expected to live. You honestly didn't know what to think.

"Did you have to bite my lip?" You finally spoke, breaking the tense atmosphere. You pulled your fingers away to look at the smudge of blood, and Killer finally lent back to give you your space.

"I did say sorry in advance." He sighed, warm hand slipping from your back.

"Yeah, but I thought that was just for kissing me."

"Well, that bought us time." Law was quick to moving again, his hand gripping your bruised bicep to start pulling you along again, but you didn't budge. "The blood bind will only last- what are you doing."

"If you do so much as think of dragging me around like a rag doll," you stood firm, amazed that Law didn't simply turn and yank you once again. The pike was back, but this time it wasn't as hot, and you weren't sure why. You ripped your arm away, glaring holes into his silvery eyes. "I'll break your fucking fingers."

Law didn't speak, but you could see the flinch. His brow twitched, and not in anger. The pike left as soon as it came. You let out a stressed breath and frowned.

"You all following me around is fine, I don't care." You winced as your arm moved, and you cradled it to your side tenderly. "But I'm not an object, I'm not going to be thrown around and pushed and pulled just because you can."

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