"What's the DD/LG and CG/L thing?"

Jett scoots closer to me, resting his arm around my shoulder, "daddy dom, little girl. It's sub genre of BDSM and CG/L is caregiver and little. I personally think you're a little and don't know it, but I could be wrong."

"What's a little?" My head tilts to the side.

"A little can be a male, female, or anyone in between who follows rules or breaks rules that their daddy or caregiver gives them. Littles are innocent, naive, and usually have a hard time regulating emotions. Littles are all different so I can't pinpoint anything specific to share with you. But Littles are very special people." Jett explains.

Am I a little? Maybe I should...just try it.

DD/LG or CG/L. (Check)

Pet play. (X)

I don't want to be treated like an animal.

Discipline. (Check)

Praise. (Check)

Degradation. (Check)

Impact play.

"Does impact play mean you'll hit me?" My voice shakes.

"No, love. It's not abuse if that's what you're worried about. It can be spanking, which is a form of discipline or paddling or flogging." Nik explains.

"What if I'm okay with spanking but not the others?"

"Check it, and put a note beside it that says what you want." Nik says.

Impact play. (Check. Only spanking.)

Fisting. (X)

Breath play. (Check)

Public teasing. (Check)

Public sex.

In public? That can't be legal... I can see how it could be thrilling though.

Public sex. (Check)

Orgasm control. (Check)

It seems hard, but I would try it. I've never had one myself, but the way Poppy has described it made it sound wonderful.

Over stimulation. (Check)

Sure, why not.



"Consensual non consent. It means we can take you whenever and however we want. At the bottom of the page, you will create a safe word. If anything happens that you don't like or we're hurting you, all you have to say is the safe word and everything stops." Nik explains.

I like the idea of a safe word. But CNC sounds scary.

I take a moment to think about what I want to put next to it.

CNC. (X)

Suspension play. (Check)

I don't know exactly what it is, but it sounds like fun!

Temperature play. (Check)

Bondage. (Check)

Older kids in the group home would joke about bondage a lot. What I've gathered is that it's like, being tied up or something.

Double Penetration. (Check)

Blood play.

My eyes widen as I notice the last place for me to check or X on the list.

"Is blood play where you drink from me?"

Nik gives me a short nod.

"Would it hurt?" My fingers find my arm as they rub into it.

"Yes and no. First you'd need to get nicked with something sharp and clean, that's probably the most uncomfortable part. Once one of us start drinking, that pain goes away and it turns into something magical. Euphoric even." Nik explains with soft eyes.

Wyatt grabs my hand from off of my arm and kisses my knuckles, "you're going to rub yourself raw, doll. Tell me, what got you so anxious?"

"I'm just scared it'll hurt...or kill me." I admit to them.

"Doll," Wyatt holds my hand to his chest, "we would never intentionally hurt you. You also have that safe word, that word holds all the power. Even though we are dominates, you hold all the control in that one little word." He kisses my knuckles again.

He's so sweet.

Blood play. (Check)

Once I've made all my marks, I look at the bottom of the page where their names are already signed and a dotted line for my signature and a line for my safe word.

Safe word-

I wrack my brain for words that are easy to say.

Unicorn. No that's stupid.

Zazu! I yell in my brain. I love that little bird from The Lion King. But he's old, and it might be weird.

Mercy. Yeah... I like that!

Safe word- Mercy.

I sign my name at the bottom of the page, agreeing to everything and putting a small heart next to my name to make it look pretty.

"Wyatt won't be participating in the blood play." Jett tells me.

I look at Wyatt with furrowed brows. His small side smile says something I can't make out.

"Why?" I ask.

"I can't fully control myself around human blood yet. I'll go into something called blood lust, which all vampires go through at some point. Jett and Nik have learned how to not let it get that far, but me, not yet." He says quietly, like he's ashamed of himself.

The sun hitting the waves in his brown hair bring out his golden strands.

But I trust you.

I tell myself what my brain won't let me say out loud.

Instead, I lean over and give him a hug around his waist.

He stiffens at the sudden reaction then melts as he returns my hug.

Maybe I can help him learn how to control it.

Thank you all for reading! Please remember to vote, comment, and follow!

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Thank you all for reading! Please remember to vote, comment, and follow!

I have some good news and I have some bad news.

Good news, I'm moving out! My boyfriend and I are going to be living with our friends. It's going to be a lot of fun!

Bad news, since I'll be packing and moving...I will probably not be able to write as much for a while. I promise to do my best to stick to the schedule of Monday and Thursday. But if it so happens that I don't post on those days, please be patient with me :)

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