Start from the beginning

"It's not your fault." Nathan tells her.

"Tell my dad that." Ophelia scoffs.

"Your dad is going borderline psycho, Lia. You know, with the Mark and everything. Does that make what he said okay? Hell no. But I don't think normal Dean would blame you." Nathan says.

"No, no, he... he would definitely still blame us." Ophelia mutters, picking at her nail polish.

"Okay, so let's not talk about him. Forget him. It still isn't your fault." Nathan says. "You said it yourself earlier. Charlie was a grown woman. Did you and Sam inform her of the plan and ask for her help? Yes. Did you force her to do anything? No. She agreed even though she knew that this kind of stuff comes with risks. I mean, it's not like you held a gun to her head or something until she agreed to help."

"Yeah, I guess." Ophelia mumbles.

"It isn't on you... or Sam." Nathan assures.


Sam went to kill Crowley, leaving the three kids alone with Rowena. Ophelia wishes she could make the witch combust, but knows she can't.

Rowena's phone rings and she answers it.

"It didn't work." Sam states.

"What do you mean?" Rowena asks.

" mean that juiced up hex bag you gave me. Crowley set it on fire. Looks like you're not as tough as you thought you were." Sam says.

"But you still have him trapped?" Rowena asks.

"Yeah! Not so much." Sam says.

"Bloody hell."

"What am I supposed to do, Rowena, how am I supposed to kill him?"

"I'm sure you'll figure something out."


"You've got a job to do, Samuel, you'll get it done!" Rowena hangs up the phone.

"How about you do your damn job?!" Ophelia suggests, slamming her hands on the table angrily.

"I will... after your uncle holds up his end of the deal." Rowena says, an annoying smirk on her face.

"Well, while he's working on that, you can easily work on your end. So freaking do it!" Ophelia shouts.

"Mmm..." Rowena seems to consider. "No."

Ophelia lets out a quiet growl, her hands out, as she goes for Rowena.

"Whoa, whoa! Okay!" Nathan wraps an arm around her, pulling her back and away from the amused witch. "We're all super stressed, let's just, uh... let's play a game or something."

"Yeah, a game? Okay. Um... how does blow the witch up sound? That sound fun? I think it sounds fun." Ophelia says, looking over Nathan's shoulder at Rowena who waves. Ophelia tries to charge towards her, Nathan preventing her.

"All right, just, uh..." Nathan moves them so Ophelia's back is to Rowena, the girl glaring over her shoulder. "Hey." Nathan makes her face him. "Did you know that kangaroos can't walk backwards? I mean, part of the reason is cause technically, uh, you know, they don't even walk, they hop. No walking. Either hopping or crawling -- which they can't do backwards either."

"But the main reason is cause of their tail. It's not flexible and it basically acts as a third leg. Plus, their big feet are designed to just go forward, so it prevents them from moving backwards. The only time they can move a tiny bit back is if they're fighting or avoiding an injury or something."

"Emus also can't go backwards, but nobody really knows why."

"You're distracting me with animals unable to move backwards?" Ophelia asks.

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