Chapter 9: Moment

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Friday April 26th, 2002.


(Just pretend Mean girls came out early.)

I look down at the half of my pictures. You know the ones when Ben and me went to the mall.

I sigh and place them next to me. I haven't heard from anyone since, THAT time. I don't know if I even want to.

Well the only ones that are actually nice to me would be, Rosa and Chris.

Do you want to know something funny? Ben and Matt used to great best friends! Until the 5th grade, but let's not talk about that.

I lay down in bed, tired both mentally and physically. But is there anymore sleep anymore? I don't know.

I really wanna see Rosa, it's been nagging on me for the past three days.

But does she wanna see me?

I shake the thoughts off, and go to grab the ocarina game that Ben bought me.

Let's see what's so good about the, 'The Legends of Zelda.'

"Y/n! Someone's here to see you!" Your (guardian) called.

You sigh and place the game next to your N64, and walked off.

Opening your door, and entering the hallway. You make your way to the living room.

A familiar brown headed girl was standing there with a smile. You didn't fail to notice she was wearing a white dress with a necklace.

"How are you doing Y/n! I wanted to check on you since Ben di- went missing." She tried to fix her error with a cough.

"Uh yeah, wanna head to my room?" You asked.

"Sure." She said walking beside you, to your humble room.

You opened the door, and beckoned her to come inside.

"Sorry if it's a little messy." You whispered to her.

"It's fine! Have you seen Matt's room?" She made an ick sound.

You smile at her, same ole Rosa. You took a seat on your bed, not sure what to talk about.

But you have also noticed something about Rosa, she's been acting as if she's uncomfortable. Like she wants tell you something.

"Rosa what's wrong? And don't say nothing, I new you since kindergarten." You said scooting next to her.

She looked at you with a sad face. Then she bursts into tears.

"Y/n! Matt he wants to..he wants me to." She fell into your arms. Just like Ben did.

"Matt wants you to what?" You said in your most soothing voice.

"Matt wants me to be ascended!" She cries.

"WHAT?!" You yell.

No, no, no! This can't be happening! This has to be one of your nightmares, right?

You look at her in the eyes. "This is a joke, right?"

"No...I wish it was." She said. "But, Matt says he wants to be ascended to."

You felt surprised, Matt wants to be ascended? Funny.

But deep in your heart you knew why. Power, him and his little minions would have a type of power.

And they knew that.

"I wanna be with my brother. I know he is a, rat. But he's my only family, and I knew this would be coming soon." Rosa said, her tears drying.

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