Chapter 7: Homeage

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Monday 22nd, 2002.

Dawn of the final day, 24 hours remain....

Okay you were bored out of your mind.

It was around 10 o clock at night. And here you are staring at the ceiling, not even tired.

You loved sleep of course, but going to bed was the problem.

So tomorrow, the day you have to watch your best friend die.

Because of your sadistic leader.

Well at least you know he isn't gonna be gone. Quite the opposite, he was going to be stuck in his Majoras Mask cartridge.

You didn't know the cults full intentions, they said, "your not part of it."

You didn't mind, you didn't want to be part of it! You wished they could just leave Ben alone!

But that's not how it is. You knew it.

So fuck it all! This is the last night Ben will have on this planet.

So why not live a little?

You get out of bed wearily, and go to put on your hoodie.

You tip toe to the door, and open it. Internally screaming when it creaks.

You step into the dim lighted hallway, and check both sides.

So what you know is, Sarah is an incredibly light sleeper, but Ruben is the opposite.

You step down the hallway, chanting, '2nd door to the left.' In your mind.

1, right and left.

2, right and left.

You turn to your left, and put your ear to the door.

Just as you thought, Ben's wide awake.

You gently nock on his door, hoping he even heard it.

You awkwardly just stand there tapping your foot on the ground.

A sigh of relief escaped your mouth when a wild Ben opens the door.

He looked like a mess, well his hair. He was wearing a long sleeved gray sweat shirt, and black sweat pants.

"Anything wrong?" He asked with a confused face.

"Nope, I just have a few things to say." You answer with a smile.


"Get your hoodie on, we're going somewhere."

"Are you telling me we're sneaking out? Because if yes my mother would probably wake up on instinct." He said pointing out the obvious.

"I was thinking we could use the window." You said with the duh face.

"Your going to be the death of me l/n." He said grabbing the well known green hoodie from his desk.

Oh yeah you are aren't you?

"Right back at you Lawman." You said sarcastically and walked with him to his window.

He rolled his eyes and fiddled with the window. About a little while later The window slided open, and a gentle breeze enters the room.

"You go first."

Tell me he did not just say what I heard him just say.

He told me to go first didn't he? This bi-

"Fine." You grumbled. Hesentintly you climb over the window to the gentle breezed night.

You gulp while looking down. There is a bush, you can aim for that right? Only one way to find out.

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