Chapter 1: Alone

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Tuesday April 16th, 2002.
1 week remains.
'Did he say it was the cabinet above the sink?' I sigh while walking to the kitchen.

"Hey Sarah?" I say walking up to the middle aged woman.

"Yes Y/n, is there something wrong?" She  asked with a worried look.

"No, I was just wondering where your first aid kit is." I say looking up to brunette haired mother.

She gave me one last look before walking to the sink, and opening the cabinet to get the kit.

"Did Ben get hurt?" She said handing me the kit.

"Just a little cut. I'm just gonna clean it and give him a bandaid." I particularly lied.

She gave me a little smirk then went back to making dinner. Oh brother, I know what she's thinking.

I turn my heel, and walk back to the bruised kid. Slowly opening the door to see him on his bed.

"I got the first aid kit." He looks up with a sad smile. I click my tongue, and sit beside him.

He turns to me, and watched me open the kit to get an achohol wipe.

"Did Kyle do this?" I say wiping the cuts.

"Yeah." He mumbles.

"Sorry I wasn't at school today. I was sick." Sudden guilt comes eating at me for lieing.

"It's not your fault Y/n, you have to take care of yourself." Ben said with a little whisper.

Oh your making this worse for me...

I get some band-aids, and put them on the cuts. Oh he also has a busted lip...

"Hold on I'm going to get a rag." I say getting up. He gives me a little nod, and watches me leave the room.

I walk down the hall my steps making a few squeaks from the house. I walk into the bathroom flicking the lights on.

I grab a rag from the shelf, and walk to the sink. I turn on the faucet, the running water soaks up the rag making it damp on my (skin color) skin.

I turn off the faucet, hearing it drip makes a chill run down my spine. Just seeing water makes me remember that the type of sacrifice will be drowning.

I must enjoy the time I have left with him. But I know I will never forgive myself for this, never.

I walk back to his room still in his same spot. I wonder why he's so quite today.

I go back to my spot, and lift the rag. "Can you move your head up a little."

He obeys, and lifts his head. I place the damp cloth on his lips. He flinches but doesn't move.

"So why are you so sad today?" I ask.

"Because dad's coming back from his business trip." I frown, oh him.

"You know your always welcome at my (guardian)s house. Y'know if anything happens." I say in a soft tone.

"I know thanks. I just don't want to leave mom here with him." I nod in understandment. Mrs.Lawman deserves so much better...

"All done." I say backing away, and putting everything on his nightstand.

"Thanks Y/n, your the best." A smile creeps on my face.

"Anything for you Ben." I say.

"Do you wanna play some Super Smash Bros Melee?" He asked with a little smile.

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