Chapter 5: Lover boy

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Saturday April 20th, 2002.

Dawn of the third day, 72 hours remain...
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I flutter my eyes open to be met with pitch black darkness. Small panic begans to form in my chest.

I hear small whispers from my right. Oh that's right I fell asleep in the forest! When we were looking at the stars!

Wait what about the whispering? I try my best to turn my head.

Brown locks where on my shoulder, the person was no other then Ben.

I forgot about how sometimes he talks in his sleep. At least it's whispering, and not full on yelling.

I avert my eyes to the clock, it read '4:00'.

I'm thinking I got at least four hours of sleep. Problem is I'm probably not gonna be able to go back to sleep.

I freeze when I feel movement behind me the blanket making a shuffling sound in reaction.

"Y/n?" I heard him say in a whisper, I blush a little.

"Yeah?" I say in a whisper too.

"Why are you up so early?"

"Well I can't sleep."

He sits up leaving me in the cold, which I frown a little.

"Do you want to watch T.v?" He says yawning.

"Sure if that's not a problem to you." I say sitting next to him.

"No, not at all." He said putting the other side of his blankets on my shoulders. "Do you mind grabbing the remote, it's on the nightstand."

I nod and turn to the little stand, and reach for the metallic switch. A cold metal meets my hand, making in reaction pull it down.

A dim light meets the room kissing it with a yellow hue. I smile and reach for the remote.

"Here you go." I say handing him the remote.

"Thanks." Ben said then turned on the T.v. "If I'm correct rugrats should be on."

I nod and watch the commercials. Stupid commercials, so annoying.

I avert my eyes to look around Bens room. It was pretty clean, besides his desk, and the posters Legends of Zelda posters didn't go unnoticed.

I whip my head when a familiar intro made way to my ears. It was indeed rugrats.

I feel a weight on my shoulders, making me turn.

"What?" He said looking at me.

"Nothing." I say turning my head back to the T.v.

We watch the T.v in silence, to into the episode to talk. Well until the commercials turn on. AGAIN.

I bite the inside of my cheek, thinking what to do for the next five minutes.

I look at Ben, who was probably fighting himself to stay awake.

"Why don't you go to sleep?" I ask.

"I don't want to, and also that means you will be alone till I wake up." He said like the stubborn person he is.

"Alright, whatever rocks your boat."

I turn my head towards the door, no doubt I heard footsteps coming. I cringe hoping it's not Ruben.

"Don't worry it's probably my mom. Dad had to work early today." Ben said as if he read my mind.

The nob turns and, a familiar brunetted woman comes in.

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