baby, your smile's forever in my mind

Start from the beginning

"There's no pocket dimension activity in the area."

"Roads are looking good too. Joe?"

"Yeah, the rig is secure."

"Caitlin?" Supergirl asked.

Inside the truck, Caitlin was constantly monitoring Borson with her tablet while Leo stood nearby. "RADS are good. Heartbeat regular," Caitlin said before she turned towards Leo. She suddenly pulled out a sticky note from her pocket from Killer Frost, laughing at it.

"On Earth-X, we have a saying," Leo said and Caitlin looked up at him, "If you laugh out loud, you got to share the joke. Byproduct of living on an Earth where joy is a scarce commodity."

"It's a Post-It note from Killer Frost. It's how we talk. Talked," Caitlin said before she looked at the note again, "Broke the thermostat again. I think it hates me."

"Aw, it's cute. Do you miss her?" Leo asked.

"It's not that it's just that we were starting to become close lately. And I know how crazy that sounds considering we're talking about someone who actually lived inside of me," Caitlin explained.

"I'm on an alt-Earth transporting a human bomb with escorts who can literally run back to the future and shoot lasers out of her eyeballs. Your story is the least crazy thing I've heard all day," Leo told her.

"One thing's for sure, I will miss those little notes," Caitlin said.

"Alter-ego or not, it's okay to miss someone we've lost," Leo said before The Flash zoomed into the truck.

"How's he doing?" He asked.

"Good. His RADS are low, vitals seem stable. I gave him a sedative, and it seems to be working," Caitlin explained.

"Okay, good, we're almost there-"

"Guys, there's pocket dimension activity."

Suddenly everyone in the truck got lifted up to the ceiling and they all knew it had to do with DeVoe. Especially when they suddenly were dropped to the ground again.


"I'm trapped in here. The door's unlocked, but- but it's just like- It weighs a ton— Cisco?"

"Cisco?" Flash asked as he stood up, but no answer, "SG?" No answer, "The comms are out. It's DeVoe."

Suddenly, the felt something land outside of the truck harshly and The Flash could only assume who it was. He grabbed Leo and zoomed them out of the truck to be met with Supergirl standing outside of it. "Is everyone okay?" She asked.

"DeVoe's here," Flash told her.

"He's here?" She asked right before a pocket dimension opened up behind them.

Clifford DeVoe walked out of it, wearing a black trench coat, "Mr. Allen," he called, the three of them turning to face him, "Mrs. Danvers-Allen — As usual, you're a step behind me."

"Yay, puns," Leo sarcastically said, pointing his gun to him, "You Earth-1 villains sure are a hoot."

"You have no idea, Mister Snart," DeVoe said.

"You're not taking Fallout," Supergirl sternly said.

"I can, and I will, if not here and now, then after your top-secret transfer to ARGUS," DeVoe said and he smiled cheerfully at their surprised expressions, "Yes, I know," he then gestured to his brain, "Remember?"

"Good, I won't have to feel guilty about doing this," Flash said before he zoomed the scepter in his hand to the ground, pointing the soundwaves right into DeVoe. But because now he had Ralph's powers, the blast just stretched right through him.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now