Letter D: Chrollo Lucilfer

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after this i'm never updating this book again
that hurts.
ugh ugh ugh i hate this man in this book with a sincere passion
i headcanon he's an angry griever, like this man will blame it on anyone and everyone, even you 💀
anywhore enjoy this pos' chapter lolololol
i can't


Dear Y/N,

It has taken me almost a year to write this letter to you, and for that you have my sincerest apologies. I did not mean to make my sister wait even beyond the grave, yet I doubt you are waiting for my letter alone. From my knowledge there are about four letters in front of here. I cannot put it too close to the gravestone or I get pierced in the hand, something I suspect Machi did despite there being others closer than mine.

In case you didn't know, her and Feitan left the troupe. A stupid decision on their part but I'll let it go. After all, they were your favourites. Her anger is misdirected at me simply because I allowed you to run off on your own. You always complained about me treating you like a child and once I don't, I suppose the blame is still on me.

I regret not being there while you died, and I regret not telling you things about our past I had purposefully hidden from you, shielding you from the horrors of this cruel world. However, considering you've been exposed to it already, I may as well divulge in the secrets I hold close to my heart.

Sometimes, when I concentrate hard enough, I can picture a blurry image of our mother. She held a few of your features yet none of mine. I do not bother trying to remember our past in Meteor City, and even though it was were we grew up I cannot bear to imagine myself confined there any longer.

As much as I miss you, I am disheartened for other reasons.

You died with the Kurta? The same man who killed two troupe members dear to your heart, our hearts. They were our family and you forgot the significance of their sacrifices in your heated emotions foolishly. I never suspected you could be so childish, at least not in important moments like these. Why can you not see things clearer, even in your death?

Maybe as you read this you can go over your mistakes, acknowledging them and maybe even fixing them. Then again, if you are bound to your red eyed monster in the afterlife as well, I do not wish for you to show him this.

I hope you think this over.

I may not come here as often anymore, for I have duties to fulfil that I may not allow you to take from me.

I suppose this is goodbye little sister.




i am sad 🥲

buttttt i hope you liked this final letter from the man, the myth and the legend himself.


romeo and juliet - kurapika x fem!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora