Autopilot x Unwavering

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I was more of a mess than I had ever been in my life.

Since Akira.

Since Illumi.

Since 'Kasai' first left. 

They finally stopped checking up on me.

Do they think I'm dead?

I hope they do.

I lost track of time fortnights ago, simply waking and sleeping once I had finished sobbing all over again.

Is it Wednesday?

No, Sunday?

It doesn't matter.

I'm stuck on autopilot.

The cycle repeated.

And repeated.

And repeated.

Until one day - I'm not sure what day it was - something interrupted the cycle.

Someone had interrupted the cycle.

"Y/N." Chrollo strolled through my door, with a bit of swagger in his step. As though he knew something I did not.

However, I watched his grey eyes analyse me, taking in my appearance, and I watched as his facial expression contorted from the smug face he walked in with, to one of sorrow. His distaste did terrible to hide itself and the ends of my lips twitched in some form of a sadistic smile.

He's in pain looking at me?

I am me.

I have to wake up to this everyday, and he thinks he's got the worst of it?

Give me a break.

"Does the name Akira ring a bell?"

The wobbly amends I had made to the emptiness had come apart once more. The stitching I had done, slowly sewing my maimed soul back together, had undone itself.

He had undone me.

The one thing he swore never to do.


"Brotherrrrrrr," My five year old self had grown up knowing only Chrollo, therefore I relied on him for every little thing in my life.

Who taught me to tie my laces? Chrollo.

Who taught me how to kill a man? Okay, not Chrollo, but you get the point. He was my rock, my stone of dependence. 

"Yes Y/N?" As always, my goody-two-shoes of a sibling had his nose in an ancient book. Peering up from the vintage pages, his grey eyes met mine.



"Do you love me?" A relatively normal question for a not so normal kid.

"Of course, you're my sister. I wouldn't trade it for the world. And I promise-" Placing his rusty old book down, he swooped me up in one grab. "to never ever undo your little heart, okay?" He rubbed his nose against mine; I could practically smell the paper particles.

Giggling, I responded. "You better not, because if you do, I'll fight you!"

"Heh, would you?"

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