Slow x Burn

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Time passed unnervingly around me, as though I was trapped in a motion picture, never to be freed again. Just like a movie, my merciless mind played old memories on repeat, until I felt as though I was being driven to the brink of insanity.

"Tyger Tyger burning bright."

"So you're a hunter?"

"Because I know sure as hell it isn't yours!"

"I will be your undoing!"

"I suppose we are."

Round and round and round and round, like a twister with no intention to stop, it seemed the one ally I always had turned against me. 

My mind.

It had always been doubtful of me, but this was just crossing the line.


Snapping me out of my trance for the tenth time, I immediately declined the call from Hisoka via my headphones. There wasn't any music playing, but it gave the message I needed to be projected: don't bother approaching me.

They were bluetooth, meaning that even if I didn't have my phone to play music, Hisoka's 'amazing' technology skills (meaning he asked Illumi) could still find a way to speak to me.

Ever since finding the remains of my car washed up on a shore, he had been dying for me to thank him and in return, have another drink with him. I also knew that as I was on foot, the chances of my brother's cult finding me had increased dramatically.

Meaning you can't be seen by Hisoka Einstein. How do you expect to repay him now, because he sure as hell doesn't want a favour. He just wants you, stoned as hell and the opportunity to meet a fuming Chrollo. If you accept, we're done.

I can't accept yet. Give it a while, I'll think it over. It won't hurt us to wait, after all, what do we have to lose?

For the love of God, do you want to die or something? If so, you may as well wait for Kurapika to come find us. That way, we'll die by the hands of someone who shows ACTUAL affection for us.

The twinge in my heart only proved her right. Kurapika had been the last one to show affection for me, and Chrollo had done nothing but sit back and wait.

How did I know this? Simple.

If Chrollo had been seriously looking for me, I would've had much more trouble staying on the down-low. He knows everything about me, the cracks and crevices in my fragmented personality. Yet, he had only just found out about Akira, which led me to think of more things the man couldn't possibly know.

Utilising all of this information, the conclusion I had come to hadn't made me feel bad at all about the decision I chose.

Answering his call.


Why do you keep on bugging me Hisoka? Didn't I give you a straight enough answer the first time? You've done enough damage, if I do anymore nightclub stunts like that I won't hope to live to the age of 30.

Come on darling. You can't be telling me being on the run hasn't tired you out? If I was you I would be dying for a drink. Take the offer while the cards are on the table! Besides, you aren't going to live to the age of 30 the way this is going. Sorry honey, but it's true. So, wouldn't it be better to get out there now, while you're still mostly able bodied?

Because you know all about cards Clown. But yes, I suppose you do have a point. I won't really be living past 24 even if I get lucky hiding.


Give me two hours to think, at least.

Such a long time?

If you get what you want, it'll be worth it, will it not?

I suppose so. We have a deal.

Ended 10:47

I had never been much of an early bird, so being awake for 50 hours straight, roaming around, car or not, took a toll. Not just on my mental health, but on my appearance. As well as looking disastrous before leaving the hideout, my looks hadn't progressed at all. 

My hair was rough and coarse, like sandpaper, paired with the clothes I had left with almost three days ago. The ends felt like hay, giving a new meaning to 'finding a needle in a haystack.' Vainly enough, the thing that shocked me most was the differentiation from my skin a week ago, and now. It had sunken in ever so slightly, dark circles becoming dents underneath my fatigued eyes. To call myself a Hunter was shameful, yet to call myself a Phantom Troupe member? Simply atrocious.

Over the hours, my body had enough of strolling down the pavement day and night, questioning my existence further than I ever had before. In fact, I believe that if I stayed in my trance, I could soon figure out the meaning of the universe.

Yet, Hisoka hadn't suddenly gotten amnesia, and he took the duty upon himself to call me again. This time however, I had been planning out a conversation in my head, mind mapping the different routes the conversation could take.

In the end, I had confused myself too much and just decided to answer.

Have you picked yet?

I took my headphones off momentarily.

Am I really willing to do this, all for my own pettiness?

"I'll kill you!" Doesn't this ring a bell?

And it was that, that helped me make my decision.

Sure. Meet me-

Yay! I'll see you in a minute!
Ended 19:42

What did I just get myself into?


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