Down x To x Business

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Finally, I thought. It only took him 6 hours of my life. I could've been doing so much more!

In the troupe, we were disinclined to think lesser of each other, most of all the leader himself. Yet, I preferred to disregard this rule, as sometimes you just had to comment upon a person. Whether it be their attire, attitude or absurdity, there was always something I managed to find wrong with someone.

They should've stolen themselves a watch instead.

"As you all already know, the chain user has managed to kill two of our members himself." Ominous growling could be heard at this statement, most from Nobunaga and Feitan. My eyes wandered, and I immediately noticed a considerable change in the atmosphere.

Machi's jaw had clenched, a vein throbbing in her temple as her fists were in tight balls. She had began shaking with rage, her expression unchanged. Shalnark's usual smiling face had darkened along with his aura, his phone shaking in his hands due to his firm grip. Shizuku, who didn't usually smile, subconsciously summoned Blinky, ready to knock someone out. His reaction was much more terrifying; he was still smiling. Feitan hadn't changed, but I could tell that simply speaking to him would blow another fuse. Bonolenov and Kortopi's stances had changed, realising the turn the conversation had taken. Phinks and Nobunaga had the most obvious tenses: they stood up from their seats and tightened the hold on their weapons, their growls growing louder by the second.

Kalluto, who had never known the two, slowly looked around and saw what I saw; the spine-tingling bloodlust increasing by the minute. We briefly made eye contact, and he could tell that I was just as furious as the others, but better at hiding it. This realisation widened his eyes in fear, as he suddenly noticed the position he was in. The presence of 12 livid criminals who would kill the first people they saw in their anger would petrify anyone, but Kalluto knew what he signed up for.

In fact, the only person who maintained their composure in the room was Chrollo himself, still grinning at the sight of us all still joined. It was as though he completely ignored what he said, like he hadn't announced our vast mutual hate.
"N-" My brother hadn't even said the first word of his sentence before Phinks rudely interrupted him.

"The chain user. He's scum." spat the man, rage seeping through his words.

"Why are you bringing this up Danchou?" Machi's words were as shaky as her figure. Shizuku nodded her head in agreement. Murmurs filled the room, yet the atmosphere stayed idle. I decided that I needed to interject before we all collapsed unintentionally.

"Is this statement of significance?" My voice was the only calm one to speak. Heads whipped so fast in my direction I was certain someone got whiplash, and Chrollo grinned even wider.

"Why of course. Well, through sources, I have more information on his appearance."

"How does his appearance help us with tracking him down and annihilating that bastard?!"

"I agree with Nobunaga, in a much more polite way. Shouldn't we be focusing more on his nen?" Nobunaga and Shizuku's words put the pieces of the puzzle together; everyone in the room knew what he looked like but me.

"Excuse me?"

So I'm not the only one who doesn't know what his appearance is.

"Just before Paku died, she shot a nen bullet into the founding members' of the troupe. This gave us access to see things like his appearance, how parts of his nen works, etc. This was just before you joined and N/N over there decided to show up." Shalnark's joyous voice answered both mine and Kalluto's query, poking a jab at me in the process. However, this was the consequence for me going off on my own; I missed out a crucial piece of information.

"Ah." The young child seemed satisfied with the answer, yet I ventured further into the explanation.

"Well, what does he-?"

"The point is-"

"I believe I was speaking?" It seemed as though Chrollo thought the short conversation had reached its end, and the hideout went silent to hear his next words.

"His appearance is incredibly important Nobunaga, as anyone who wasn't shot won't know to eliminate him if they see him. Which brings me to my next point. If anyone happens to encounter the chain user, I would prefer for you to bring him to me alive first."

"WHY?!" Phinks' exclamation seemed to shake the hideout, his fuse finally blowing, his stopper finally falling off. Surprisingly, Chrollo leered at him.

"For starters, to defeat Pakunoda and Uvogin, he must be extremely strong. And second of all,

you can only obtain a Kurta's eyes while they're alive."

This explanation brought a buzz of laughter to room, finally getting rid of the bloodlust left by Feitan, Phinks and Machi. Two out of the three listed hadn't uttered a word, but had calmed down since Chrollo had last spoken.

"This meeting wasn't meant to be so long," he chuckled while shaking his head, "but here we are!" he clapped his hands together, confusing everyone further.

"Danchou, I think Kalluto and Y/N are still confused. After all, Kalluto wasn't here when the chain know, and Y/N was busy whilst it was all happening. In fact, I'm not sure she was notified until at least six months after it happened." Shizuku's wise words were the only ones that hadn't mocked me, and I respected her for it.

"No, I wasn't." I replied through my teeth, still sour that Chrollo took his time in catching me up.

"Well, how would you like to tell them?"

"I think we should let them ask. After all, it's like you said. The more that know, the better." And with that, everyone once again turned to us, awaiting our questions in suspense.

"What does he look like?" I mentally conversed with the child and let him ask first. To my surprise, Machi spoke up for the first time since hearing about Paku.

"He has blond hair and traditional Kurtan attire, dark blue robes with yellow patterning. His eyes are grey with black contacts and when fighting, they turn scarlet. We call him the chain user because he used chains as his nen, he's a conjurer who can only use his chains against us. His resolve is incredibly strong, fuelled by grief and hatred. It's why he was able to capture Uvogin."

Compared to Kalluto's question, mine was a bit more lax in detail, but simply a query I had for personal reasons. "What's his name?" And I was felt such a sense of deja vu, I didn't pay attention to whoever answered my question.



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