Letter A: Feitan Portor

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yall know how feitan isnt japanese but chinese????

so my headcanon is that he cant write well in kanji (its prolly true lets be honest here) so he decided to write in mandarin so y/n would have a proper letter, not one with shaky writing n shit

thats why the letter wont be written the same way he speaks, missing out words n stuff

basically he wrote this in his language, so its gonna have proper english n yh

lets gooo


Dear Y/N,

I hope you're happy in your pearl house. Even if it's a flaming cage, I still hope you can enjoy your time with or without the man you died with.

I am still in awe of your ability to fall for a Kurta. You were close enough to Pakunoda and Uvogin so your emotions can't be muddled. However, if you have chosen to die with him I will accept your choice. After all, it's not like I can lecture you until I die myself. When I do, do not doubt my capability to educate.

You were never around much in the troupe, curtsy of Chrollo Lucifer. I am not sure if Machi has told you, but I did leave the troupe because of his terrible leadership. He decided to push his emotions down instead of facing them properly. He is not the same man I met in Meteor City, something you are most definitely aware of.

You were like a little sister to us all, probably more than you were to Chrollo. I don't know if he killed you or if you killed yourself, but you better not regret this decision. We all mourn for you and the fallen, everyday. Please acknowledge how you stay fresh in our minds, never forgotten and never ignored.

If I remember correctly, Machi has protected your grave with nen. This is only to ensure no one tries to vandalise it (Hisoka probably.) Speaking of the clown, the fucker murdered Shalnark and Kortopi. Out of all of the things I suspected him of, this murder wasn't one of them. Our goal was to kill him, but even outside of the troupe I still strive to take his head. When I do, I won't even spare that bastard a casket.

I would not like to spill all of my heart in a single letter, knowing how easily it could be compromised. 

Don't be stupid after death as well.

~ F


im sooooo sorry this took long i got kept up with my other books 

i will 100% publish the next three sooner, however my school starts in a week and im prolly gonna be busy for the next two weeks so i might just book it and write them tonight

whenever i publish them itll be before school so a week give or take

i hope this wasnt too ooc haha, feitan didnt have much screentime but hes pretty ruthless so i made his letter kinda...robotic? in a sense, hes not a very empathetic person so i made him more of a ' short and kinda sweet ' guy lol

hope you have a lovely day, and cya next chapter <3

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