Mercutio's x Mercy

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Times had changed since I had last walked with Hisoka. The twisted depths of my mind befuddled my own self, passages of unrooted trauma. Language lingered like Shakespeare's blank verse, my own tragedies becoming plays of their own.

The man sauntering next to me was even more confusing. His mentality was sick and unhealthy, possibly the reason why I was so unstable. He influenced me; serotonin flowing through my veins as a result of his presence, a sight he observed for mere pleasure. Ecstasy dwelled in my arteries, shockwaves of relief bursting through my pores; it was as though my atoms had completely shifted. Like I was entering a new world.

Being reborn was an idea I philosophised, overwhelming me with the routes it could take. If I had been reborn, and could choose, my life would be idyllic. Unlike an average perspective of a princess' life, I would choose to be, well, average.

The feeling of being able to wake up everyday with a clear conscience is more powerful than presumed. Little choices wouldn't affect me, I could stroll around without having the inconvenience of being discovered as a monster. Instead, I wouldn't be recognised at all, just overlooked like any ordinary person. My ordinary life would be superb, and I would be able to die a joyous woman.

The indescribable pain my heart felt was piercing me like an arsenic dagger, everyday and every night. At this point, I felt like a waste of air, taking in useful oxygen that a better person could use.

Kurapika could be that better person.

What do you love him for? He hates you with a passion. You took away his sunshine, you're the storm clouds in his fantasy world.

Being associated with the people you are with is harmful to his health, yet you spoke to him anyways. Why? Because you're a selfish idiot, loving him for your own desires.

You can't even blame Chrollo for this. If you had simply broken ties with him, he would be less hurt than he is now. He would be less broken than he is now. You really are a siren Y/N.

You can't say that. I supported him through his work, even if it killed me-

Exactly. You're making it about yourself again, twisting reality to your advantage. You're sick. 'If it killed me' well maybe it should kill you. Ever thought about that?

I don't need it to kill me.

Hah, oh yeah? Why?

I'm killing myself. Slowly, longingly, but I can see it happening. You don't think I know this is my downfall? Kurapika is one of the most amazing souls I've ever met, though I've corrupted him. If I can die by his hands, I would've lived a good life.


It is. But it helps me wake up every morning, feeling less shitty about myself this way.

Fine. I'll let you stay in your fantasy world. You and Kurapika can stay like the two deluded idiots you really are.


In my daze, Hisoka had been guiding my pondering self back to our beginning, our roots. She was right, I was insane, leaving myself to be in the care of a man who I had seen betray many, including my family.

The succubus inside him fed on the strong, powerful in society, and he took immense pleasure in crushing their hopes and dreams. It was a wonder why he still leisurely hung out with me, knowing I had no freedom, locked inside the cage of my mind. Perhaps he thought he could unlock it and revive my fractured feelings, only to smash them into pieces once more.

Too late.

They've already been destroyed.

"I can feel the pain inside of you, spreading as it annihilates your emotions. Soon, you'll be a shell of being. You'll be like Illumi. You don't want that do you?" The patronising tone in his voice didn't go unnoticed. I could tell he was using his smooth talking to manipulate me into doing what he preferred, so I tried to reply with the most generic answer I could think of. One that wouldn't entice him.

"It doesn't go unnoticed Hisoka, no need to state the obvious. I only agreed to do this with you because I need a refresher, an enlightener. The eye opener I need happens to rest on the path you walk on, so I'll do what I need to. Yet, after this I don't want you to bother me. I can plan my last moments on my own. If I somehow live through this ordeal, I might have the opportunity to associate myself with you again, of which I'll take an extraordinary delight to. We can laugh and live in a twisted sense of harmony, however only if I'm well bodied and able minded. You need to understand that I need time to heal, not time to party."

"Of course darling. However, should you come out of this unscathed I doubt that means Kurapika will. You'll be an energetic mess, and therefore not well bodied or able minded. Meaning, we wouldn't be able to meet again."

"I'm glad you understood the use of my language. No, I don't plan on meeting you again. If it does any good to your egotistical mentality, we can think of this as a parting, a farewell party."

"As to my egotistical mentality, yes, it does do good."



"Why? Why are you so attached to me? You're like an octopus, tentacles dragging me to the depths of your wicked heart." Akira's statement burned into me, igniting my passion once more.

"You should've let go of me when you had the chance. Each of your personalities bore into me like knifes, they always have. You're the octopus, killing me softly as you mask it with the word 'love.' I doubt you even know what love means!" I laughed back at him, embracing my newfound freedom as I turned to the narcissistic man I once loved. The mockery I spat at him slowly infuriated him, until I expected steam to come out of his ears.

"Are you seriously that deluded?! You expected me to love you in the horrible conditions you thought I thrived in? I'm done with your bullshit Akira, whether you like it or not.

In fact, I'll swear on my heart right now, that I'll never love someone like you again!"



The unspoken-of oath I had created several years ago was still intact in my heart. Kurapika was nothing like Akira in my eyes, for, once I had been deluded, but that was it. The waves of anguish had died down since I first recognised the cruelty in Akira's actions. They were unjustified, harmful acts of abuse he had hit out on me with even before he discovered the spider.

However, Kurapika's healthy love was the fresh start I needed, and my selfish desires made me regret nothing from being in a relationship with. Although my actions left the both of us more mentally fractured than before, the time we had spent together and the memories made were worth it. The accelerating thrill of being in a relationship where you knew everything was not as it seemed was dangerous yet exciting. Poisonous yet alluring, and it had captivated me with the sins of rebellion.

Hisoka's unusually helpful guide hadn't left me, his hand firmly gripped onto my arm as he revelled in knowing we had but a few hours left in each other's presence. His toxicity, overwhelming overall, had surprisingly combatted with my stubbornness to make an enticing relationship I had enjoyed. We had a long run, yet soon it would be over quicker than it had started.

"We're here.

Take in the smell of the alcohol, 'cause it might be last scent you'll get in a long time. "


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