Chapter 70

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The scene opens up in a forest with a bunch of cloaked heroes scattered all over the area, investigating while assisting a small group of people wearing white hazmat suits with the logo of Aisaka Technologies visible at the back of the suit. The scene comes closer to Fusion, who presses on his ear.

Fusion: "Any news on the body?"

Radio: "Nothing on our end. This is a large forest to begin with. Are we sure this is the place?"

Fusion: "The marked location says so."

His earpiece didn't make a sound again as he approached one of the Aisaka researchers, who's holding a tablet.

Fusion: "Hey, are we really in the correct location."

Researcher 1: "I believe we are, hero. The trackers embedded in all of your cloaks are pinging this location. Unless the cloak was discarded here, then we can't find our missing man."

Fusion: "I see. Everyone, keep looking!"


The investigation continues with one of the researchers approaching a tree with some burn marks with the shape of a hand.

Researcher 1: "More clues, tree with a burn mark."

Another researcher approaches and checks out the tree.

Researcher 2: "Hints of burns, keep looking."

Researcher 3: (unseen) "More burn marks!"

Researcher 2: "There's another one."

Fusion: "What do you think?"

Researcher 1: "Well, it's not normal to see a burn mark on trees, especially if it has the shape of a hand. A skirmish may have happened."

Fusion: "Nothing's normal in this world anyways…"

Fusion starts walking ahead but suddenly freezes in place. He slowly raises his head to see a person in a black cloak h4ng3d on the tree by its neck.

Fusion: "Up there!"


The scene changes to the hanging cloaked hero, identified as a female, lying on the ground, lifeless along with three more bodies found nearby.

Fusion: "Not one, but four bodies… What could be the cause of death?"

Researcher 1: "We are not entirely sure, but with the injuries present on their bodies, there was an attack. But something disturbs me more…"

The researcher points at the stomach of the dead female hero, showing a burn mark that has the hand symbol of the Meta Liberation Army.

Researcher 1: "That's the sort of symbol they use, right? The other bodies have it burned into their skin as well."

Fusion lightly clicks his tongue before nodding.

Fusion: "As far as we know, yes."

Researcher 1: "Well, then, we can take it from here, it is mandatory for scout type heroes to have body cameras, they shouldn't be able to find the cameras. We'll provide a copy if there are footages. We'll confirm the ID on these bodies, inform any family, and give it to the police."

Fusion: "I see. Thank you."

Fusion bows in respect before walking away and bringing out his phone and putting it on his ear.

Fusion: "We found the missing."

The scene changes to Arcane inside her office sitting on her desk, listening to the call.

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