💞Save The World With Love!💞

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The scene opens up with Izuku standing with a panicking Kuuga, Sayo, and Annya in their Yellow Plus Ultra shirt as the logo of My Hero Academia is seen behind them.

Kuuga: "We need to go-!"

All Might, wearing the same Plus Ultra shirt, appeared in front of the camera, knocking the three off-screen as a loud crash was heard.

All Might: "I am here… wearing yellow to match Young Midoriya's!"

He jumps behind him, landing beside Izuku behind the table and presenting his shirt.

Izuku: "All Might, what's going on? Those of us in Class 1-A of U.A. High are supposed to be in the middle of our provisional licensing exam."

All Might: "That's right! Can't wait to find out what's going to happen next, right? But why don't we forget about that for now?"

Izuku: "Why?"

All Might: "You know, we have to save people, right? With love!"

Kuuga: (unseen) "Love sucks!"

Izuki: "Yeah, but why?"

All Might: (facepalms) "You're no good at this. You've gotta have fun while you can! Go beyond existing procedures!"

Izuku, All Might: "Plus Ultra!"

All Might: "This episode of "My Hero Academia" is a special story! We will bring you "Save The World With Love!" And now, let's start the opening!"


The scene opens up to Arcane inside her office, typing away some information about drug-enhancing quirks and sending it to the police. Her office door opens, revealing Flash Bang with her hood down.

Flash Bang: "Hayami, a letter arrived."

Arcane: "From who?"

Flash Bang: "Aisaka technologies. We haven't opened it."

She hands her the letter, opening it and starts reading.

Arcane: "I-Expo on I-Island? I'm being invited…"

Flash Bang: "For what reason?"

Arcane: "Because we have a direct partnership with Aisaka tech… Huh?! The owners won't make it so they're asking me to go and bring their daughter?! These mad lads! I'm busy as well… Let me think of who to send instead. Kuuga is in his special class right now since he's still trying to avoid me."


The scene opens up inside Class 1-A with only seven students: Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, Todoroki, Kuuga, Izuku, and Bakugo.

Aizawa: "We're running this course with a small number of students, holding it multiple times. This time, it's you seven. Just so you know, this will be harder than a regular class. Prepare yourselves."

Kuuga: (mentally) "Harder than the regular class?"

Tsuyu: (mentally) "I wonder what we'll do?"

Izuku: (mentally) "If we fail, will he threaten to expel us again?"

Aizawa: "In this class, you will fight and capture a hypothetical villain."

Uraraka, Izuku: (blushing) "It's a really hero-like class!"

Aizawa: "This should be obvious, but villains commit many different types of crimes. You all will go to the scene of a crime and determine what happened there, whether or not it was caused by a villain, whether or not you should fight, and train your ability to assess the situation and your ability to deal with the situation. Your special instructors will be…"

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