Announcement (important)

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CrescentRWBY: "It is I, CrescentRWBY or also known as WriterCrescent and I am here holding two Electric guitars like a madman and Kuuga, Annya, and Sayo won't be around to bug me

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CrescentRWBY: "It is I, CrescentRWBY or also known as WriterCrescent and I am here holding two Electric guitars like a madman and Kuuga, Annya, and Sayo won't be around to bug me. And the announcement isn't important. So I might've tricked you, but hear me out!"

WriterCrescent coughs.

CrescentRWBY: "Sorry about that, but I wish to say that the future chapters may come at a later date since I will be practicing Jiro's song. Or also known as "Hero Too" for the festival chapter! Yes! I will be playing the damn song and because I got quarantined for 2 damn weeks, my guitar skills came to crap so I had to practice the song again and it'll take a while."

WriterCrescent raises the two guitars. (Top pic)

CrescentRWBY: "I have here two guitars, I want you to choose which one should I use. This blue one is an Ibanez RG421AHM-BMT which I bought recently for like $400 that plays like a dream and has no issues, fresh strings as well. This other guitar is a shitty guitar or what I call my beloved "Shitocaster", a $180 Fernando Stratocaster that I bought before the creation of mankind and modified it with dozens of stickers, including the quintuplets stickers. Though it has multiple issues like fret buzz and strings that I haven't changed since February 2021."

He puts the guitars down.

CrescentRWBY: "Which one should I use for the Hero Too cover?! I shall practice ASAP to get my chapters out as well! Hurry up and choose! That is all! Plus Ultra...!"


$400 guitar

$180 guitar


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