Chapter 6

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Kuuga: "... Because you're in my territory… the wind and rain is cold, huh?"

Kuuga brought his hands out as he looked around, seeing more than 10 villains surrounding him.

Kuuga: (mentally) "Seems like they don't know my quirk, since they dropped me in a cold area. My job becomes easier."

Villain 1: "Get him!"

The villains rushed towards Kuuga from all directions but suddenly, the strong wind turned black as it solidified slightly and began attacking the villains, pushing them back.

Villain 2: "What the hell is this?!"

Villain 3: "The wind turned black!"

All the villains turned to look at Kuuga, who was playing with his fingers as he looked at them.

Kuuga: (tilts head) "Is that all?"

Villain 1: "Don't get ahead of yourself!"

All of the villains rushed towards him again when black mists suddenly held them in place, stopping their advance.

Villain 1: "W-What's this?!"

Villain 1 looks at Kuuga to see him walking towards him, the mist then pulls him to the ground as the grip tightens. Kuuga then crouches over him and looks him dead in the eye.

Kuuga: "My mist may look like nothing, but I can tighten its hold and thickness to the point I can snap your body in half or make you suffocate. So if you want to get out of here alive with a damaged pride, I suggest you start talking: Who sent all of you? And what is it you're trying to achieve?"

The villains look in fear as Kuuga interrogates one of them, but the villain chuckles.

Villain: "Like hell I'd believe-!"

Black mist then took over the villains whole body, with his squirmings the ones only heard from the heavy rain, after a few minutes, the squirming stops as the black mist clears to reveal the villain 1 looking pale and unconscious.

Kuuga: (sighs) "A simple question that you can't answer, people are stupid these days."

Kuuga got up from his crouching position and kicked the unconscious villain's head like a soccer ball, making it fly away from the other group of villains. He then approached another villain who was shaking in fear.

Kuuga: "You heard what I was asking a while ago… Speak."

Villain 2: "P-Please-!"

The black mist then took over the villain and suffocated him as well.

Kuuga: "Wrong answer."

Kuuga sighs as he kicks the unconscious villain 2's body and looks around to see more villains to interrogate. Suddenly, a villain came flying and made a crater. It tried to get up but a shadow came crashing on it and knocking the villain.

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