Chapter 41

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The scene opens up inside the MHA radio studio with Sayo, Annya, and Kuuga wearing medical outfits.

Kuuga: "Damn… you still read this crap of a book? You have bad taste! Like the amount of readers this book has is declining faster than 9.8m/s²."

Annya smacks Kuuga's head, making him stop speaking.

Annya: "We're aware, Kuuga, don't be rude. Don't say such a thing when Author-san is around, we have to motivate him, there are barely 30 people that still support Crescent's attempt on the BNHA book! Our life and story is on the line and we should still present it because people still read it! (Looks at you) Y-You guys are human… right…?"

Kuuga: "I didn't understand a single word you said."

Sayo: (coughs nervously) "Yay! The movie is finally over! I just hope Author-san recovers from the virus and hopefully it's just a mis-diagnosis!"

Annya: (nods) "Agreement. I want him to recover as soon as possible. Even with the small number of readers, there are still readers waiting for him. The first movie was nice, though, the details… ugh, I love it."

Kuuga: "I hope he recovers, not that I care or what, let's just hope the readers find out what clues the author left in the movie on what's going to happen to me in the future… I hate that fate…"

Sayo: "It's dramatic! Don't you want the first ship to sail?"

Kuuga: "I don't know!"

Annya: "You have the main character's energy, Kuuga, you'll be fine."

Kuuga: "I hate you two… let's get this chapter started already!"

Sayo: "Plus Ultra!"

Annya: "That was sudden, Sayo, not yet… Everyone, please wear a mask at all times, White power isn't real."

Kuuga: "I don't think we have a lot of American viewers here."

Annya: "We don't know the nationality of the readers here… at least that's what Author-san says."

Sayo: "Probably Asian? Oooo! Maybe Europeans!"

Kuuga: "He probably knows, he's not telling us. Crescent!"

Sayo: "Ssh! He's still resting! He's very sick, Kiriu!"

Kuuga: "Doesn't matter right now. I know that man's stronger than what he says to the public, probably eating something fancy right now."

CrescentRWBY: (unseen) "I'm choking on my own blood right now and I forgot the direction my story is going to…"

Annya: "Sounds hot."

Kuuga: "What?"

Sayo: "Huh?"

Annya: "N-Nothing! Cut the broadcast! Shoto shouldn't hear that! Cut! Cut! Plus Ultra everyone!"


Previously… (My writing is a bit rusty so this chapter might suck a lot)

Mera: (speaker) "There has been a large-scale terrorist-attack by villains."

Izuku: "Everyone, the scenario for the exercises…!"

Shindo: "Seriously?"

Examinee 1: "Hey, look!"

They look at the distance to see Gang Orca and Arcane standing by the hole in the wall along with their sidekicks.

Arcane: "Rescuing and fighting!"

Gang Orca: "Can you do everything at the same time?"

Izuku: "Gang Orca…! Arcane…!"

Kuuga: "What's the old-lady doing here?!"

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