Chapter 18

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Before you read, Sayo has those eyes in her hand.

Arcane, followed happily by Sayo and a tired Kuuga, who's been trying to calm her down, is seen as they walk down the streets of Yokohama.

Kuuga: "Calm down, you're tracking a lot of attention…"

Sayo: "Look at that ferris wheel! It's so colorful!"

Kuuga: "It's color white!"

Sayo: "Look, it's changing colors! So cute!"

She points at the Cosmo Clock 21 Ferris Wheel as it quickly produces a rainbow color but some sparks are suddenly seen, shutting down the lights in an instant.

Kuuga: (sweat drops) "How is something sparking and about to break, cute for your perspective?"

Sayo: "Well, stop being edgy and look at the bright side, you'll look cuter if you smile!"

Arcane: "She's got a point-"

Kuuga: "I'm not edgy, shut up! We're doing patrols and you're here acting like a tourist!"

Sayo responds by sticking her tongue out, making Kuuga gain a tick mark on his head.

Kuuga: "Mom, shouldn't you be the one telling her what I'm telling her?"

Arcane: "I suppose so, but you have it under control."

Kuuga deadpans as he witnesses Sayo buying an ice cream from a nearby ice cream truck and skipping happily back to them.

Kuuga: (deadpans) "That's "under control" to you?"

Arcane: (shrugs) "You'll be fine. Let's continue patrolling."

Arcane makes a smug face before continuing walking as Kuuga pulls Sayo by the back collar of her hero costume, stopping her from entering a pet store.

Sayo: (whines) "There's a cute puppy in there!"

Kuuga: "Patrol first, pet store later…"

Sayo crosses her arms as she continues to get dragged by Kuuga.

Arcane: "Rinko Park should be clear of any villains now-!"

An explosion is heard around a corner near them as an unidentified man, wearing a mask, and has wheels as his feet is seen running, carrying a cash register while laughing. From behind, two cloaked heroes are chasing after him.

Wheel man: "Let's go!"

Kuuga was about to take action when Arcane took a step forward, lowering her shades as her purple eyes glowed, making spikes around the man's feet/wheel, popping it, making the criminal trip and skid down the busy road, making nearby drivers swerve and dodge the real deal and money flying all over the street. Arcane sprinted towards the downed criminal with Kuuga and Sayo following. The wheel man tried to crawl away and escape but Arcane stepped on his back, pinning him to the ground as the two cloaked heroes approached.

Arcane: "What happened over here?"

Cloaked Hero 1: "This young lad robbed a nearby convenience store a few streets away with what I assume is to be some home-made dynamite."

Cloaked Hero 2 restrained the wheel man with rubber bands produced by his quirk, allowing Arcane to stand comfortably as she takes in the report. The same cloaked hero looked into the wheel man's pocket, revealing a poorly made dynamite.

Cloaked Hero 2: "Well, this is what we mean by the home-made dynamite."

Arcane: (sighs) "Well, good job. Get him to the police and do what you need."

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