Chapter 20

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The Hero Killer suddenly dropped his knife, snapping everyone out of their fear. They witness the Hero Killer frozen in place.

Sketcher: "He's… unconscious."

Iida and Todoroki collapsed to the ground, still staring at the Hero Killer. Kuuga grits his teeth, staring at the same individual.


The scene opens up to Hosu General Hospital with Kuuga lying in his hospital across from Izuku's bed, all of them have bandages on their body.

Todoroki: "Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?"

Izuku: "No, not really."

Todoroki: "I didn't think so. Me neither."

Izuku: "Thinking about it now, we did something amazing, huh?"

Todoroki: "Yeah."

Kuuga: "It certainly is, but I'm sorry for arriving so late with help, even though it's not enough."

Izuku: "A-Are you okay?"

Kuuga: "Huh?"

Izuku: "Knowing you, you wouldn't care and act like you want to… you know… die."

Kuuga: (sighs) "So that's the image I made in class, huh? Guess I can't help it but I really didn't care, I just want to help since I knew lives are at stake, also knowing that the Hero Killer is present in the city because my mom went looking for him. Maybe that's a good reason to be a hero, you know?"

Izuku: "Isn't that a part of everyone's reason to be a hero?"

Kuuga: "Tch! I'm trying my best to find my reason, okay?!"

Kuuga huffs, closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

Iida: "You seem to be more noisy for a while."

Izuku nods.

Kuuga: "You got a problem with that?"

Izuku: "N-No! It's just everyone got used to you always sleeping and being quiet."

Kuuga: "Maybe being around my classmates is starting to get on me."

Izuku: "Anyways… seeing an ending like that really makes you feel like it's a miracle we're alive."

Todoroki: "Yeah. We were obviously left alive on purpose. (Faces Iida) You're amazing to have been able to face him after all the murderous intent directed at you."

Iida: "No, that's not it. I…"


The scene changes to Pro Hero Manual, Gran Torino, Arcane, carrying a plastic bag and Kuuga's co-intern, Sayo, are standing at the door.

Gran Torino: "Oh, are you wounded kids awake?"

Izuku: "Gran Torino!"

Iida: "Manual…"

Kuuga: "Mom…"

Gran Torino starts walking towards Izuku.

Gran Torino: "Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you."

Arcane started walking towards Kuuga, with a dark aura surrounding her, making Sayo sweat drop on her advance.

Arcane: "I shouldn't have allowed you and Yūrei to join Flash Bang and the others if you're going to end up getting two knives on your back. Not engaging in combat, huh?"

Kuuga leans back, with a slight fear around him, but he keeps his neutral face.

Kuuga: "I may have fought a little-!"

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