Chapter 68

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The scene opens inside 1-A Alliance showing the first floor from the front door. Majority of the class are seen hanging out in the living room as the door is heard opening and shows a set of fancy black boots. Kirishima was the first to notice the visitor.

Kirishima: "Uh, hello?"

Flash Bang: "Pardon my intrusion."


BNHA S5 OP 2 Cover by me


The angle changes to a view showing both the class and Flash Bang's whole body.

Kirishima: "Uh, hello?"

Flash Bang: "Pardon my intrusion."

Iida: "A visitor! Everyone, be in your best behaviour!"

Flash Bang: "Please, formalities are not required, I am not here for official business."

Flash Bang removes her hood, revealing her long blue hair and silver eyes and bows. Sero, Kaminari, and Mineta show signs of blushing.

Flash Bang: "You students might not entertain intentions from a complete stranger, so allow me to introduce myself. I am a pro hero known as Flash Bang, a hero part of the Arcane Hero Agency. But please call me Hikaru on these grounds."

Iida: "Flash- I mean, Hikaru, ma'am, you stated you were part of the Arcane Hero Agency, I assume you're here for our classmate, Kiriu?"

Flash Bang: "Not only him, but also a girl called Earphone Jack."

Sayo leans towards Ashido's ear.

Sayo: (whispers) "Earphone Jack?"

Ashido: "Jiro."

Flash Bang clasps her hands together and gives a close-eyed smile.

Flash Bang: "If you can fetch them for me, it would be grand!"

Sero: "He's still asleep, right?"

Kirishima: "He did some crazy stunt yesterday…"

Bakugo: "Doesn't matter! Get those Eye Bags awake!"

The boys from the Bakusquad begin crowding the elevator entrance.

Izuku: "I-Isn't that too many people…?"

Uraraka: "I'll fetch Jiro."

Annya: "She's in the kitchen with Momo, I'll come with you."

Uraraka begins running towards the kitchen, calling Jiro's name, followed by the other girls. The ones left behind watch with stunned faces.

Sato: "Everyone suddenly became alive…"

Tokoyami: "Apparently that's what a visitor can do to someone…"

Flash Bang places a hand on her mouth and starts giggling.

Flash Bang: "My, almost everyone's active!"


The scene changes to a surprised Jiro, standing beside an exhausted Kuuga whose eyes are barely open and hair messier than ever.

Jiro: "Um…"

Kuuga: (yawns) "What the hell do you want?"

Flash Bang: "I have something to discuss with some of your classmates, go outside first then we'll talk."

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