Chapter 55

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The kids began readying themselves with their quirks.

Kid 12: "That's right. We know… That we're better than you guys!"

Bakugo: "Come on, brats, I'll fight you!"

Murasaki: (smirks) "Don't crawl while leaving towards Mommy and Daddy!"

One of the kids suddenly launched a Binging ball towards Bakugo and Murasaki, but Bakugo casually leaned back, his eye mask being damaged. Crystals surround Murasaki's hand and he casually blocks it.

Kid 12: "How do you like my Binging balls? You couldn't dodge it, could you? It was too fast and strong for you to see, wasn't it?"

Dust suddenly made its way towards Todoroki, Annya, and Inasa, making them forced to shield themselves.

Kid 13: "Assault Dust!"

Kid 14: "Those guys don't know what to do! C'mon, get 'em!"

Todoroki: "Dust…"

Kid 15: "Viral Cosmos!"

Kid 16: "Electromagnetic Bullets!"

Kid 14: "King Slam!"

Kid 10: "Hula Hoop!"

Kid 5: "Tongue Tank!"

A tank barrel forms on the kids' mouth and blasts the group, covering them in smoke. The teacher on the other hand became guilty and stood up.

Teacher: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's all my-"

Present Mic stopped the teacher with a smile.

Present Mic: "Hold on, ma'am. Well, it's their turn right now. Let's watch a little more."

The smoke clears, revealing a huge crystal wall. It slowly cracks and breaks down, revealing the six examinees doing the exercise unscathed. Murasaki smirks as he crushes a crystal with his hand.

Murasaki: "Your attacks are crap…!"

The kids continue firing off their quirks but Murasaki deflects them with his his crystals while Inasa uses his wind to redirect the attacks, Todoroki forms a small ice wall in front of him, Annya makes a circle made out of shadows and enters it and casually peeks her eyes with a deadpanned look, and Bakugo uses his explosions to stop the projectiles going near him. He then smiles like a maniac

Bakugo: "They're pretty crazy to attack people without any hesitation!"

Todoroki: "It seems they think they can do whatever they want against aspiring heroes."

Murasaki: (laughing) "These little brats think they're high and mighty…"

Annya climbs out of her hole.

Annya: (sighs) "They lack proper. discipline."

Inasa: (tearing up) "I just want to be friends with these kids, even if it weren't part of the training…"

The kids stare in shock, seeing them all unfazed by the attack.

Kid 12: "No way… They're not scared of our Quirks…"

Kid 11: "Even though they were just born a little earlier than us…"

Kid 12: "Everyone, let's show them more of our powers!"

Little Girl: "I'll go! Queen Beam!"

A heart suddenly appeared in front of the girl and suddenly launched towards Todoroki. Creating a smokescreen. The smoke shortly clears, revealing Todoroki with a sweet smile on his face

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