Chapter 37: Latenna

Start from the beginning

She does not begrudge him his silence, however. It is merely how he is.

"These great snow-laden lands stretch far to the north. And beyond the ancient bowers, beyond the liturgical town of Ordina, lies the place to which I must return. Find the forgotten church, if you will, and your promise to me will be fulfilled."

The Tarnished nods, resolute. But then, to be fair, Latenna had not doubted him for a moment. Even before she'd spoken up, she'd watched his interaction with the red head who so desperately wanted to reach the Haligtree. She'd seen, as he had made it clear, in his own unique way, that he would not be able to go immediately to the Haligtree. That he had other business to attend to first.

Still, it amazed her nonetheless that it was HER business that he considered so important. Truly, he had proven time and time again that not all Tarnished were the same. The all-hearing brute who had lured the cursemongers to the Village of the Albinaurics and killed her other half did not speak for this man who journeyed all the way North, to these forgotten lands for her sake.

They journey North a fair bit more, traveling ever onward. The red head journeys with them, but Latenna does not begrudge her that, though neither does she reveal herself to her. She's not at all surprised that the one-armed swordswoman has attached herself to the Tarnished. After all, he is more than just a capable warrior. He is a good man, and in the Lands Between, good men are rare indeed.

Still, she can't help but be a little amused, when the red head flinches back upon approaching the Apostate Derelict. Not because the ruins of the church itself are at all frightening, but because of the Walking Mausoleum that plods along in front of it. Though to be fair, this Mausoleum is a bit more dangerous than most, on account of the magical artillery it fires in a constant arc around itself.

Before continuing onto the church, the Tarnished stops and brings the Mausoleum to its knees, literally. Latenna doesn't begrudge him the action, even if she finds herself chomping at the bit all the same. She does not have a need for any of the creature comforts of life anymore. She does not need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe. She does not feel the cool wind across her face, or the snow beneath her feet, or any of it in truth.

As a spirit made manifest by the strength of her ashes, she is powerful in that she can enact her will upon the world. At the same time, she experiences none of it in truth. She can hurt but cannot be hurt in turn. She can fight, but any blows dealt to her merely disrupt her essence for a time.

Still, the Walking Mausoleum is a threat, not just to the Tarnished and his red-haired companion, but to the church beyond. It would be the height of foolishness, if they were to lead the Mausoleum's artillery barrage right into the Apostate Derelict... and right to Phillia.

And so, she pushes down on her momentary impatience. The matter is dealt with soon enough anyways, thanks to her Tarnished's ever efficient competence. Once the Mausoleum kneels upon the snow and its bombardment quiets down, they make their way into the church. The red head is clearly curious, but Latenna pays her no mind. Indeed, the Albinauric Spirit only has eyes for what lies in front of her. Phillia... at long last.

When her Tarnished rings the bell and summons her forth, Latenna draws in a breath she does not need, to lungs that do not exist, and happily materializes, coming forth and shimmering into existence before Phillia. The larger Albinauric is silent, watching in quiet with hooded eyes, but upon seeing Latenna, a flicker of recognition, of intelligence, enters her gaze.

Leaning forward, Latenna reaches out with the only part of herself that she's dared to keep, the only bit of her that is truly her, and not simply spirit and ash. The salvation of the Albinaurics. A new beginning... a potential future. As she does so, she speaks. This time, the red head can hear and see her, but Latenna cares not. If the Tarnished trusts her... then she shall as well.

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