"You're such a romantic. I'm proud of you baby. Doing everything and more for her." She hugged me. "You're in love." She said after looking at me for a few seconds.

"Who in love?"


"You think so?" I asked genuinely curious.

"I do. I've never seen you like this. Ever. I mean you were talking about marriage even before you two became official."

It's true. I did bring up marriage to my mom when me and Naomi were still kicking it. Like I've said before, I've liked her since I saw her. It's something about her that always has me floating in the air.

"I guess you right." I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe I am in love."

A little later, Naomi had sent me a text letting me know she got my message. If I'm not mistaken I told her to call me back and she sent a text. Yeah time to take a drive.

I got in my car and drove to her apartment. I just need to lay eyes on her. Make sure she's okay because this behavior is unlike her. She's the main one always doing random facetime calls.

When I got to the door I used the key she gave me and went inside. It was crowded with all of the boxes and dark as hell. "Ah shit." I said when I ran into a few boxes on the floor. "Naomi." I called out while heading to her room.

I opened the door and it was dark with her fan running. "Baby." I said and turned on the light so I could see her. She groaned and covered her head with the blanket. "You haven't gotten up much have you?" I turned the light back off and turned on her lamp instead.

She didn't respond so I went to sit beside her. I tapped her and she still wasn't trying to answer me.

"You want to tell me what triggered it this time?" I asked softly and rubbed her back.

She had a depression episode. I've only experienced it one other time when we first got together but this one is worse. I had a feeling but I didn't want to assume.

"I don't know." She mumbled then I heard her sniffle.

"Come here." I took my shoes off and got in bed with her. She stayed on her stomach and laid her head away from me. "I love you." I said and continued to rub her back.

"I love you." She repeated in a small voice.

Since she wasn't up to talking much, I left it alone and laid there with her until she went back to sleep. Once I made sure she was good, I got up to finishing packing stuff she started and called Deuce to say goodnight.

When I got off the phone I worked in silence. Thoughts flooded my mind about Naomi. I can't lie and say she doesn't worry me when she gets like this.

Luckily it hasn't been terrible our first year. It only happened twice but I wonder could it get worse.

It doesn't discourage me from wanting to be with her. I just want to have the tools to be able to help her when she gets like this.

I don't know if "I love you" and back rubs are enough. How can I be there for her without smothering her?

I felt her arms slowly find their way around my torso while her head rested on my back. "Thank you for being here."

I turned around and held her in my arms. She leaned her head back and poked her lips out and I gave her a couple pecks. "Imma always be here for you Naomi. Don't shut me out."

She sighed while still holding on to me. "I'm not. I wasn't. I just- I don't know." She sighed again and let me go. "It suddenly hit me and I couldn't muster up the energy to talk to you."

Shortie - Jayson TatumWhere stories live. Discover now