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"Really? your making it so hard for me to say no" he sarcastically replied

She shrugged "Lets not keep talking about it, but just for your information, I am going, with or without you. I need a distraction for my mom, and this seems almost too perfect"

"I'll think about it babe, ok? that's the best I can offer you" he sighed deeply, turning the corner just before the dirt track she lived down "But i can still give you a ride, if you don't want to drive there"

"I'll probably be going with Stiles, so i will see you there, yes?" She turned to look at him once he'd parked, once again facing Monica, sat on the steps with a cigarette between her lips,

"Whatever," He smiled, turning to her too. They shared a gentle kiss before she climbed out, walking with her head held high towards the front door,

"How was school?" Monica asked, almost forcing Mia to stop,


"How where your friends?"

"good" she raised her eyebrows as she started walking again, only making it onto the patio before Monica opened her mouth,

"Could you and I talk for a minute?"

"Nope" and with that the front door was slammed behind her. Mia walked towards Stiles bedroom door and knocked "Hey, are you going to tina's party tonight?"

"Yeah, why?" His muffled reply caught her off guard, even though she had asked the question in the first place,

"Could i get a ride.... please!"

"What about Byers?"

"It's not his thing, so I don't think he'll be coming"

"Fine, but be ready at 7 or I'm leaving without you," he finally opened the door, he was already getting his costume on,

"Doesn't the party start at 7?"

"be late, never early"

She rolled her eyes and shot him a thumbs up, walking off to her room. She instantly pulled out her brand new costume she'd bought with Nancy the other day, she was going as some sort of angel- the costume was a long white dress with a slit up one side, and fluffy white wings attached to her back, and to finish it off some white heels,

 She instantly pulled out her brand new costume she'd bought with Nancy the other day, she was going as some sort of angel- the costume was a long white dress with a slit up one side, and fluffy white wings attached to her back, and to finish it o...

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By the time 7 rolled around Mia was well and truly ready, she had her makeup done perfectly, her hair straightened, her dress sat beautifully around her and the wings definitely completed the outfit,

"You look beautiful" Monica shot her daughter a smile as she walked out of her room, not saying a word as she caught up to Stiles who was walking out the door,

"When are you going to send her packing?" Mia asked, once they had suffered most the drive in silence,

"What?" He huffed,

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