Pomegranate Scenario

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Hi guys! I figured because I'm super bored I'll write a chapter.

Nobody asked for this but too bad

Pomegranate Cookie with a Broken! Darling
(I really hated the one I wrote before so consider this a rewrite. k?)

Pronouns: They/them,Gender Neutral

WARNING! Contains: Violence, Manipulation, Cruelty, Mentions Of Punishments, Amputation, Mind Breaking
^this chapter is a lot more. Um cruel than my other ones so I'm warning you


Her darling breaking is certainly not a surprise

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.Her darling breaking is certainly not a surprise.

.Pomegranate is one of the most cruel yanderes, she's very cruel and controlling when it comes to her darling.

.Perhaps it was a too harsh punishment that led you to break.

.To start off, Pomegranate slowly warmed up to you over time.

.It took her much longer to actually trust you, but that led you here.

.Shes one to immediately kidnap her darling once she realizes her feelings. She isn't delusional at all. She knows her feelings are unhealthy. She knows what's she's doing is cruel.

.But she sees herself as superior. If you can't defend yourself, you take what you get.

.Pomegranate doesn't tolerate you stepping out of line. She's very quick to put you into your place with violence.

.Maybe she'll start punching you until you start cracking. Or, even worse. Insults and snarky comments back at her will only cause a lecture and pain.

.Its sad to say that her lightest 'punishment' is leaving you in a dark room, days without food and water. But..at least she didn't hurt you.

.She makes you feel grateful you have her. Even more grateful when she shows little mercy. Life brings thorns in rose bushes, she says.

.Pomegranate really does love her darling. Or more of..their reactions. She feels little to no guilt when hurting you. Maybe a little bit for the screams of pain, but it's how it is.

.There's no making Pomegranate Cookie happy. The only way she leaves you alone is when she's tired of your cries. Then, she leaves and abandons you for hours in pain.

.Shes so..abusive. She absolutely hates how intense her feelings for you are, so she beats you, treats you so horribly just so she can get that feeling away. Even just for a little bit.

.Did I mention she was extremely manipulative?

.She isn't that strong, so she keeps you in restraints at all times. She starts by convincing you you're weak. And just to make sure you'll be weaker, she chains you to the floor for weeks. Maybe months. Just to weaken your muscles. How cruel.

.She'll beat you, then hug you after and then go on a rant on how she saved you from the outside world. How you're better off here than dying out there.

.Despite her abuse, she doesn't want you to break. It never really lingers on her mind, so she just doesn't pay much attention to it. She's only focused on falling out of love for you.

.You tried to escape, again..

So she did something to make sure it doesn't happen ever again.

She tore off your leg.

.Your cries and screams only anger her farther, ending in her telling you that if you keep on 'making noise', she'll take your other leg.

.Just to make sure you don't die, she bandaged it.
Then, leaves you there to cry yourself to sleep while she went off to do work.

.When she comes back, she's surprised when your head didn't shot up in fear when she entered your room.

.She called your name, but no response. Tch, typical.

.She called again, no response. Just your head pointed at the ground while you sit there, motionless.

.Pomegranate gets annoyed, and brings your face to hers just to see what's up.

.Your dull eyes stared back at hers.

.Well, she knew this was going to happen. But she was surprised when it actually did.

.Shes quick to realize when you break.

.No insults or cries came from you. All you did was look at the floor, you didn't eat, sleep, cry, or even react when she hurt you. You were like a vegetable.

.Pomegranate is surprised, yes, but she sees good in this.

Or so she thought.

.You not reacting to her anymore just drew the obsessive desperation inside of her, and since she can't relieve that feeling , she becomes more mean. More cruel. More evil.

. "Mercy" isn't a thing anymore. She will hurt you so bad until you give some sort of reaction. It can be just looking at her.

.As sad as it is, Pomegranate doesn't try to fix you. She just sees this as you being disobedient. Getting back at her in a way. She does know she pushed you too far. That she pushed you too far down the self-destructive road.

.But she puts her satisfaction above your own. Above your wishes, above everything.

.She does however,

Get you to be obedient. In a way.

.You basically follow orders without a second thought, so Pomegranate decides to build you again. This time, to her favour.

.And if you ever get out of your 'broken' phase or realize your self-worth again, she'll just do it again.
She'll break you again.
She doesn't want you to die, but she doesn't want you to leave either.
So I guess you're a stuck with her now.
Until you draw your last breath.


.Moral of the story, don't give into her. Giving her more power than she already has is the worst idea. She's cruel. She's incredibly selfish as a yandere..


I like writing her! Most of the cookies wouldn't be as cruel as her so it's a change🫠

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