(Request)-Sparkling Cookie

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there's like no good pics of sparkling sorry he looks so weird HELP

omg I wanna write so bad but I randomly cant think and I just stare

.You're probably a regular customer to have caught his attention.

.Like seriously. He at first only thought you as a customer but yk obsession..

.At first he only thinks it as a huge crush so he just flirts with you whenever you're over and always offer to be your safety driver or watcher when you get drunk.

.But as he spent for time with you the more he became interested.

.I honestly think he would sometimes drug your drinks to keep you up longer so he can hear your voice.

.Thats actually a daily thing. He wouldn't do it all the time but he does it to at least let you sleep or not to have such a hangover.

.He also tries to win them over, by giving them small compliments during their visit and giving gifts.

.It depends on how long you're at the bar is how bad his stalking level is.

.If you're there for just about an hour, he quickly finishes his shift before going to your home.

.He knows where you live due to him stalking you in the day.

.He takes small things, such as a brush or a pillow case.

.Sparkling watches you sleep for a while, before roaming your house once more before leaving.

.He is obsessive, and cherishes things you've touched.

.For example, the wine glass you use when you come to his bar.

.He has one he wasn't washed at all, and sometimes touches it, admiring the fact your lips made contact with it.

.If his darling found out, he'd be devastated.

.He begs you to reconsider your thoughts, and to believe him when he says it isn't true.

.Of course, he isn't able to and has to resort to kidnapping.

.He locks you in his basement, and coos at your face. He finally has you.

.He still is obsessive, and always praises you on how beautiful you look.

.Sparkling often refers his s/o as 'darling', or 'love', as he sees them as his lover.

.He feels guilty when you cry or fight back, he really didn't want you to find out.

.But it either guilt or he loses you. Which isn't even an option.

.Might drop his job just to spend more time with you.

.When that happens, he's with you every second of the day

.Just as he likes it.


not that long because it's late, sorry

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